Users and stuff LOL

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Guess whos working on this chatfic and another chatfic at the same time and plans on making a SaiOuma oneshot book instead of working on my pregame SaiOuma fanfic whooooooooo anyway


Kayayday is a jealous hoe with an obvious crush on Shuichi and she never gives up and thinks shes doing well with hiding the fact he likes him when shes not and she hates Kokichi bc well Shuichi spends more time with him the with her. She also thinks shes popular when shes just annoying and ppl dont rlly like her LOL and shes mean❤

Kait-hoe is bulli thats it thats the post get him awAY begone thot

Shuichi is like extremely energetic and cute but he can be  very intimidating if u mess wif his precious beautiful beloved amazing Ouma-kun square up hoes😡😡😡he also gets a few confessions bc hes much sex like😻😻😻and he may or may not wear skirts and dresses haha wdym👁👁hes Tsumugis brother lol and he also likes giving sOMe people pet names and he likes to ✨cuddle✨

Kokichi is babey and he apologizes a lOT and he gets bullied and um *chubby Kokichi hc enters the chat* and hes ftm btw!! But no one knows except Shuichi and Maki- Shuichi bc they are like super duper amazing ultimate shsl best friends that totally do not have crushes on each other:) and Maki bc they siblings:) not biologically but yk lol and hem is claustrophobic

Maki is the same as Shuichi except shes more shy, but gets intimidating if she sees u messing with Kokichi she gonna be like😡😡😡🔪🔪🔪bc siblings❤

Miu is sort of shy and preddy teehee👉👈shes still kinda dirty minded tho jdkfmxnxmc

Gonta is the same as ingame except they speak in first person- sometimes in third person but not rlly- and theyre nonbinary:))))

Tsumugi is. Basically the same as ingame lol and shes siblings with Shuichi. Also ✨loom bands✨

Ryoma is. The same but less depressed bc he needs the happ
:((((luckily Gonta is here to provide that

Himiko isssss i guess the same but doesnt believe in magic lol

Tenko doesnt hate men- obviously there are ones she doesnt like for example kaito lol but she still hangs out with mostly girls tho

Kirumi is shy and listens to music a lot of the time and she also gets bullied:( basically everyone gets bullied by Kaito wtf😡😡

Rantaro is a flirt lol but then he says no homo/hetero unless ur keebs anyway. Hes also vv preddy so hes popular and gets a lot of confessions LOL and he date keebppvbhbhhxdj👉👈

Keebo is. *tsundere noises* and he date Rantantarorjxo:)

Angie is also babey and she is art child❤she draws a lot in her free time:)

Korekiyo is the quiet kid and he isnt as formal as he is ingame lol but he does like cult stuff and such

Dmznsfkz the fuckin usErs:

Fuckin Simp: Shuichi

Babey1: Kokichi

Babey2: Gonta

Babey3: Angie

Benis: Kayayday

Bitch: Kaito

Ok kinnie: Tsumugi

Tsundere: Keebo

Amvocando: Rantaro

Gucci: Korekiyo

Munsic: Kirumi

10ko: Tenko

Little red riding hood: Himiko

Makironi: Maki

Teiny: Ryoma

Mm banana: Miu

Thats all:)) have a good day and remember to drink water and eat and take ur meds and get some rest and ily😡😡😡✨✨✨✨❤❤❤❤💖💓💖💕💘💘💖💕💖💓💘💗💝

((ggh watch me edit this one day LMAO))

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