Chapter 1- Sex Ed

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Chapter 1- Sex Ed

I know I have a smart mouth. If you ask me, I'd tell you it's on of my many talents. However, I'll admit it does get me in some trouble at times. Times when I probably shouldn't be talking in the first place.

For example, Maddie Lopez and her boyfriend James were standing in front of me in line to get pizza last year. Being a sophmore, I was cocky as shit. When Maddie mentioned something to James about being a virgin in respect to God, I was quick to comment. You see, my best friend Casey and I had been walking out of the locker rooms and past Coach Maynard's office about a week earlier. We heard some interesting noises coming from Coach's office, so we investigated.

We peeked the door open a bit to see Coach Maynard getting dirty with none other than Maddie Lopez, right on top of his desk. She did say "Oh god!" a lot but I'm quite positive it wasn't because she was worried about losing her virginity. And that's exactly what I told James. In less elegant words of course. I may or may not have just sorted a laugh and told him 'Coach fucked God right out of her'.

Thank God James caught her as she lunged for me. Did I mention my big mouth came with a five foot two body?

Anyways, I think my point has been made. I am a short, big mouthed bitch with a reputation to match. And I'm in deep shit. Like, up to my eyeballs in the most rank shit you can find. Why, might you ask?

I pissed off Amanda Miller.

Who is Amanda Miller? Well, she's the biggest, baddest, smart ass bitch in my high school. This chick puts Regina George to shame. I sat behind her in Chemistry for a while (She failed it the first time), and she conveniently sat next to her best friend, so I got to listen to them gossip for an hour straight every day.

I was in gossip heaven. And I am a definite lover of gossip. Casey and I know at least one dirty little secret about almost everyone in the school. And let me tell you, Amanda Miller had the most.

One day I over heard her telling her friend that she had test answers stored in her locker for every math test Mrs. Hilson ever issued. Another day I heard a wild story about a party she went to where she hooked up with Jessie Lawrence, quarterback extraordinaire. Then, one fateful day, she told her best friend that she had done the nasty with sixteen different people. Sixteen, and she was a senior in high school. I mean, hey it's her body, but damn!

Anyways, I stored this juicy little but of gossip in the back of my mind. It stayed firmly planted there too, until my mouth decided to spill out that little secret in a crowded hallway. Not the best thing to let slip out if I want to make it to my senior year.

Amanda was being her usual self, leaning expertly against a row of lockers in such a way that made her look effortlessly beautiful. Though, if you ask me, she probably practices that lean for hours on end at home. She was twirling a golden lock of hair around her long and delicate pointer finger, talking to Missy. Missy is the best friend she so convieniently told her secrets to.

I was getting my Algebra 2 text book out of my locker a few feet away. Minding my own business as usual (Yeah right!). However, I couldn't help but hear what Amanda and Missy were talking about.

"Ew, two-inch Tanner at five O'clock and heading this way." Missy warned. Tanner was a decently nice kid, not quite popular but not quite an outcast. An in between-er like myself. I guess you could say I sympathized with the kid.

Surprisingly, for the nick name "two-inch tanner", the boy had some balls. He walked straight up to the mini-skirt wearing blonde bimbo and rested a hand on the locker next to her head. Trying to act smooth I'm guessing, but it wasn't working very well.

"Hey there Amanda." Tanner did his best to shoot her a sexy smile. Amanda watched him with a calm and mildly annoyed expression. "Want to meet up later tonight and hangout at my place?" Translation: He wanted to have hot monkey sex while his parents were out of town.

"Who do you think you're talking to?" Amanda got a smug look on her face. "I'm not some slut! I'm not easy, Tanner." She shot back at him.

And here, ladies and gentleman, is where I signed my own death warrant. The little interaction had attracted a small crowd, eagerly listening to the outcome. This is when my mouth decided it was a good time to spill out that little bit of gossip I had heard.

"Tell that to the other sixteen guys who took a ride on the Miller express." I had mumbled it but the hallway had gone deadly quiet after Amanda's retort. Everyone could hear me. Especially Amanda. Everyone's eyes snapped towards me and Amanda turned to face me. I heard a couple people go "Ooh" and someone mumble "Did she just say that?" from the back of the crowd.

"What did you just say to me?" Her voice was lethal. And if looks could kill, I would have been dead on the spot. I kind of wished I was.

Here, my friends, is when I should have made up some lie about what I said and backed down. However, another personality flaw of mine is that it is nearly impossible for me to back down. I never back down from a fight, and it tends to bite me in the ass.

"I said, that the sixteen guys you have screwed might not agree with your statement." And this kiddo's is the exact moment I realized just how much shit I had gotten myself into.

"You're going to wish you hadn't said that, you lying bitch." Amanda sneered but her face was bright red, so everyone knew I was telling the truth.

Now, you would think this would be the part where we get into a giant cat fight and her five foot six frame kicks my five foot two ass. But no, she just turned around and stormed off with Missy hot on her tail. People dispersed and mutterings of my inevitable demise swirled in the hallway. I gulped before slamming my locker shut and slowly making my way to Algebra.

I walked over to my usual spot in the back and collapsed into my seat. It was just a matter of time before Amanda decided to exact her revenge. I was pondering running away to Mexico and living out my life as a hard core drug dealer when the seat next to me was suddenly pulled out. Casey stayed home sick that day, so nobody's ass should have been filling that seat. My head snapped up and a boy I had never seen before was giving me a smug smile.

"Excuse you?" My previous encounter had left me in quite the sour mood. I had definitely reached bitch status.

"Hello there." The boy said, ignoring my remark. he raked through his jet black hair with his fingers and smiled mischievously at me. He looked like the cat that ate the canary.

"You must be lost, because your ass does not belong in that seat." I glared at him but it only made his green eyes twinkle.

"My ass belongs wherever you are sweetie." He winked at me and pulled out a notebook and a pen from his backpack. My mouth dropped open for a second but I quickly closed it and regained my composure.

"Well your ass isn't wanted here, honey." I growled. I probably looked like I was five when I crossed my arms over my chest, but I didn't care. This boy was just poking the bear.

"Quiet down!" Mr. Mason barked as he came strolling into the classroom with a cup of coffee in one hand.

"We'll see about that." The boy leaned over and whispered in my ear. I froze when his breath touched my face. I opened my mouth to shoot a witty retort back at him but Mr. Mason cut me off.

"Miss Samantha, not another word. I think you've done quite enough talking for one day." And I couldn't have agreed more.

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