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"Just breath Felix"


Gathered outside the college cafeteria in a quiet corridor was Seungmin, Jisung and of course a panicky Felix

"It's not even a big deal" The youngest said dryly


"Look I've been dating Minho for six months and no-one but his fangirls had something to say to me about it.."

At this point Felix was crouched on the floor rocking back and forth and Jisung was leaning against a wall, sighing and pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Yes.. but this is CHAN, HE'S LIKE THE EPITOME OF POPULAR." Felix was about to continue ranting about Chan but Seungmin interrupted him.

"Felix.." the boy in question paused his rocking back and forth and blinked "Do you like Chan because he's popular?"

Felix didn't hesitate to shake his head, "Well then there you go, get your ass of the ground" as he said these words Jisung yanked Felix to his feet, "get your shit together and get in there, I don't want to make Jinnie wait any longer."

"Jinnie~" Jisung teased earning a less-than-gentle slap on the forehead from Seungmin as the three of them trudged into the cafeteria, Felix very very reluctantly so, in fact he wasn't even walking himself, instead being shoved from behind.

Delightfully as soon as they entered he saw that only three figures where sat at the table, Minho, Hyunjin and Changbin.

Jisung latched onto Minho instantly and plopped into his lap, giving him a greeting kiss which told of a comfortable relationship and familiarity and started chatting with Changbin about some music project, whilst Seungmin and Hyunjin who had only been dating for a week where slightly more awkward.

Hyunjin went to give him a hug whilst Seungmin just tried to wave and sit down which left Hyunjin standing and hugging the air, he quickly sat down, trying to regain his composure after looking like an idiot he slid a hand onto Seungmin's thigh only to get it promptly slapped off so he sat sheepishly twiddling his fingers instead.

Felix just stood watching, looking at the square table, trying to decide where to sit, the empty seat next to Minsung? no Jisung might want to get of Minho's lap later. The side with two empty seats? but wasn't that rude to Changbin who was left with an empty seat next to him? Then next to Changbin? wasn't that awkward though? but still...

Felix was about to brace himself and sit next to Changbin when... "Aren't you going to sit down lix" A welcoming soothing voice spoke next to his ear and Felix melted at the sound of it

Two arms slithering around his waist enveloping him in a warm back hug, a warm comfortable smell drowning him, a hint of expensive cologne over a vanilla and ginger type sent and fresh laundry too? Felix spun around and gently scrambled out of the boys grasp, staring Chan dead in the face.

He just stared unable to say anything as Chan merely smiled at him and said 'hey'

He managed to get his mouth working again and stuttered out "D-did you do your l-laundry today?" he then instantly clasped his mouth shut wishing he hadn't opened it.

Chan took his hand and led him to sit down on the the two empty seat chuckling, "I did .. how did you know?" 

"Y-you smell like detergent."

(pickup line of the year^)

Chan quirked an eyebrow in an amused gesture, "I'm going to assume that that's a good thing?"

Felix nodded slowly, the tips of his ears glowing bright red as he shuffled back and forth now seated in his white plastic chair.

"Ah so this is the infamous lix then?" Changbin said, leaning across the table to offer felix some skittles. "The one whom Chan here literally never stops talking about-"

"Haha ignore him lix" Chan laughed fakely trying to stop himself from throttling Changbin, he lay across the table resting his elbow in front of Hyunjin and his head on his palm, "It's nice to see you finally."

Felix who had been trying his best to ignore the elders presence turned and blushed when they made direct eye contact. Chan stared him down for about a minute before breaking into a smile dimples and all "Your freckles really are very cute." 

Not giving his mind time to catch up with his moth Felix blurted a remark back "W-well your dimples are cuter."

Jisung face palmed at this remark, trying not to laugh at how awful Felix was at flirting

Chan smiled even deeper which hadn't seemed possible and was having to refrain himself from smothering the younger boy in kisses and cuddles, he went to open his mouth and make another endearing remark but was instead whacked on the back of the head by Hyunjin.

"If you are quite done " He whisper screeched "I'd like to eat an un-squashed sandwich" Chan looked down and realised that his elbow had been resting on Hyunjin, he instantly recoiled and brushed the breadcrumbs of his elbow



"Calm down Hyunjin" Seungmin said placing a hand on his shoulder, it wasn't working so he resorted to desperate measures "Jinnie~" He called sweetly, "Calm down okay, we can share my sandwiches."

Hyunjin instantly calmed down, too wrapped up in letting Seungmin feed him sandwiches that he forgot all about punishing Chan.

For the rest of lunch Chan hardly ever took his eyes of of Felix, it was hard to look away when you where in the presence of a ball of sunshine, slowly, with the help of Chan gently prompting him with questions Felix began to come out of his shell and eventually began excitedly telling Chan about his favorite game characters and their best attacks.

About five minutes from the end of lunch Minho made eye contact with Changbin and gave him a quick nod.

"So." Changbin said dramatically crumpling up his crisp packet "Felix do you like anyone-"

Chan frowned at Changbin darkly so he quickly clarified "Just to get to know you better.."

"I u-um dont.." across the table he heard Seungmin scoff but he forced himself to keep a straight face, praying that a blush wouldn't creep onto his cheeks

Changbin nodded and then turned to Chan who could instantly feel the blood rushing to his ears, but he wouldn't back down from this.

"Do you like someone?"

"Yeah I do like someone actually.."

Felix's face fell in an instant.

Changbin 7th wheeling like 😗✌️ 

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