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Special Hyunmin chapter because I felt like it

Unknown Number




Yes..? That's me.

Do I know you?

Unknown Number





Right.. may I inquire who you are?

Unknown number

ah no!!

not yet!

I wondered if tomorrow you could maybe..

meet me at the main dance studio in the performing arts block?


I have no idea who you are..

For all I know you could be planning to stab me.

Unknown number

I would never do that I promise!

I like you|

I lik|



You where typing something just now.

Why didn't you send it?

Send it.

Unknown number


I like you.


He wasn't angry at Chan, he was foolish to think that it would work out anyway, Seungmin wasn't interested in people like Hyunjin.

Hyunjin  cut the music and collapsed onto the floor of the dance studio panting deeply, the lights where all out and it was dim apart from a sliver of light that entered as the door opened.

"For the last time Minho, I'm not depressed, I'm just in my feels okay."

"Sounds depressing to me."

The voice was soft and sweet, slightly higher than Minho's and with a honey like consistency.

A voice that Hyunjin would know anywhere.

"Seungmin?" He questioned as he scrambled to his feet and made eye contact with the boy, effectively answering his own question.

"That's my name." Seungmin confirmed, boldly making eye contact with the elder and Hyunjin sensed his usual confidence shrinking, he felt a drop of sweat roll down his face and in embarrassment hurriedly lifted the hem of his shirt to wipe his face. He failed to notice how red Seungmin's face went as the boy took in the view.

As the hem of his shirt dropped back into place the boys made eye contact again.

"Did someone come in here? looking for me.. or something along the lines of that?"

It was only just at this moment that Hyunjin realised that Seungmin had come because of the text and not because of coincidence, it all crashed down on him in an instant and he stared at Seungmin, gaping at the boy.

His pain from early erased in an instant.

"It was me." he blurted out "It was me who texted you."

It was Seungmin's turn to gape, after all it's not everyday your crush confesses that they like you.

and then out of curiosity Hyunjin said :"What would you have said to someone different asking you out?"

Without hesitation "I would have said no."

Hyunjin looked crestfallen, thinking that he wasn't an exception but Seungmin carried on talking, you see Seungmin was one to be cautious when he thought he'd likely get rejected, but in a situation where he knew enough, like this one, he had absolutely no qualms about being completely upfront about how he felt.

"Because I'll reject anyone that's not you." Hyunjin blinked, clearly not getting the point "I like you, I like you also idiot."

Hyunjin blinked again, letting it sink in, as the emotions set in you could see his cheeks slowly turn to a vibrant shade of pink.


Seungmin chuckled under his breath "You wanna go for Ice cream or something?"

Hyunjin nodded rapidly "Let me just.." gesturing to his sweaty self and then to the joint changing rooms.

Hyunjin was ready and freshened up and they left the studio in a silence that wasn't awkward but wasn't calm either, it was filled with a kind of childish excitement, the kind that comes with love.

"By the way... How did you get my number?"

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