Chapter One

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Joe Biden sat, tense, in front of his TV set. He was waiting for the news announcer to announce who won the presidential race. It had been a long, hard year and a half full of campaigning, and Joe really needed a win. (literally and figuratively)

Joe clutched the hand of his wife Jill. It would be great if they announced his name on the TV and said that Joe Biden was going to be president. He had been fighting his fierce opponent, Donald Trump, for a while, and boy was that guy nasty. It was so tiring to deal with his nastiness and how mean and bad he could be.

"Joe you're hurting my hand" said Jill

"oh no, sorry" said Joe Biden. He was instinctively squeezing extra hard on his wife Jill's hand because of how mad thinking about Donald Trump made him. He really didn't like him. In fact, he might go so far as to say he hated him. He, Joe Biden, hated Donald Trump. He did nasty stuff to try and get the job of President, which he already got to have for four years. But Joe really wanted his turn, and Donald was trying to stop him. Plus, he said some bad stuff that Joe thought was wrong and mean.

"it's time to announce the new president. The votes have been counted and it's time." said Lester Holt on the TV. Joe perked up, because this is the part he really wanted to know.

Lester Holt opened the envelope that had the next President's name in it. He read it and then said "the next United States President for 2020 is Joe Biden."


"NOOO!!" yelled Donald Trump from the Oval office in the White House. He slammed his mac desktop computer off his desk and onto the ground.

"Don't throw a fit Donald" said his wife Melania.

"How could that bozo beat me in the election? I am the greatest president in american history!" Donald yelled.

"you mean you WERE the greatest president in American history" murmured Donald's teenage son from the corner

"this is an outrage!" Donald continued his tirade. Donald thought that he had this election in tha bag. After all, he won the last one. But his opponent Biden fought him pretty hard. He hated Biden because he thought he was weak and pathetic, but somehow he also felt scared by him. That's another reason he hated him. He thought he wouldn't be a good opponent and he actually was a good opponent. He gave Donald a run for his money. Donald has always loved a good challenge, but this fight has done nothing but infuriate him.

"I demand a recount!" Donald continued to shout and put up a mask to cover his true thoughts and concerns. He has put so much work into building a character, a performance of a man he doesn't even recognize. But the act has consumed him. When he looks in the mirror, all he sees anymore is the man he's become. He looks to his wife. Can she even recognize him anymore? She's been distant, cold. The only person who seems to look down into his soul, and find the man who used to reside there...

He looked at the TV screen. Joe Biden's face is there. TV reporters have showed up at Biden's house and he is happily accepting the Presidency. Donald had spent the last few years building an empire, transforming his life into a perfect political machine. Biden is taking it all away.

And he has to live with him.


Biden sat on his porch and watched the last of the TV crews leaving his driveway. He sipped his lemonade while rocking gently in his rocking chair. The sun set in the horizon.

Everyone knows that the runner-up becomes Vice President. Everyone knows the democratic nominee and the republican nominee, no matter how the election turns out, have to live together in the same house. Everyone knows they have to work together and basically hang out all the time. So, naturally, this was something that has crossed Joe's mind. Of course he has to live with Trump. That's just how it works. But sitting there, watching the sun disappearing and the darkness beginning to creep in, the realization really struck Joe. His battle with Trump was not over. He was going to be living in close proximity with him for the next four years. His home was about to become a warzone, every day a battle.

What a bunch of malarkey.



Author's note: This is surprisingly fun to write so I'll do more later. I don't really know much about the candidates' families so I'm just gonna guess what they're like and kinda make it up. I probably just won't use them very much. Just gonna focus on Joe and Donald and how living together affects their relationship. I want this to become a common AU

ONE HOUSE: Biden/Trump AUWhere stories live. Discover now