Enhypen as your best friend

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- Heeseung's probably the type of best friend who really loves making you smile all the entire time

- He knows whether your feeling down about something, he reads you like a book so there's no hiding away from him

- He's the playful type of best friend who also makes you confused by his quick duality of cute to serious

- He's the most loyal guy you would ever see. He always thinks about you and always worries about you

- He might appear scary at first but is kinda soft

- Overprotective at times but mostly like teasing you a lot

- Really loves tagging Sunghoon along with you & him like 24/7

- Your the first ever person he shares his worries, news and even secrets with

- You are basically his second most favorite person in the world ( his parents earns first place anyways )

- You are basically his second most favorite person in the world ( his parents earns first place anyways )

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- That best friend who appears to be all cool but ends up as a living meme

- Gets all embarrassed when you mention anything related to his RAS moments ( Pre debut Engenes! Where are you all? )

- Tries to look cool to appeal to you but ends up being another crackhead in your life

- Extremely generous, his humour is way down your lane, you guys are eventually like two peas in a pod every time you guys are together

- Also a very loyal friend your thankful for; He even tried to beat the hell out of this one guy who made you sad on a Wednesday afternoon

- Really loves to show off but mostly 80% fails too

- Gets kinda overprotective with you when your obviously around some other guys

- Chilling out, quality time, sleepovers are your hang out session with him all the time

- Chilling out, quality time, sleepovers are your hang out session with him all the time

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- Is one of the most thoughtful people you have ever met in your entire life. Jake is like an angel from heaven to you

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