When you're ignoring each other

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Enhypen Reactions when you're ignoring them and they're your boyfriend


:: He'd be giving you small looks

:: Would want to just hold you, hug you, kiss you and etc. But holds himself back just to give you space

:: Respectful boyfriend, and he gives you enough space and tries hard to not cross the line you made


:: "Even if you ignore me, you're still not borrowing my skincare products babe."

:: A boyfriend of yours whose just sassy till the very end

:: Sure he gives you space, but he'd be reminding you over and over that even if you'd ignore him, you're still not borrowing his skincare products ever

:: Just pure ✨SASS


:: Same as Heeseung, he'd be giving you small looks and stares every chance he gets

:: Also a respectful boyfriend who gives you enough space and doesn't cross the line you made

:: He's the type of boyfriend who'd be thinking very thoroughly on what he did to you in order to make up for it


:: "...Did I do something wrong for you to ignore me?"

:: He'd wondering every now and then why the hell you're ignoring him because he don't damn know why

:: Jay would be buying you just random stuff- mostly the stuff that you wanted but never got to buy it, just so you'd put on a smile on your face or maybe just stop ignoring him

:: But if he drastically fails, he'd be asking questions over and over on what he did to you and would be questioning himself too on what he did wrong


:: He'd be staring at you with a gaze that'll surely be able to cut you in half

:: You, who's ignoring him, would try to ignore it but when it gets too much, you'd just burst and ask him why he's staring at you like that

:: Niki feels lonely and sad when you ignore him, give the baby love, attention and affection- he needs it


:: "You're playing hard to get just so you'd get my attention, hmm?"

:: Sunghoon wouldn't actually mind though to be honest, he knows that you can't ignore him for long

:: Gosh, he'd just be smiling at you, slowly tugging at your heart strings as he makes it hard for you to ignore him


:: Why would I think he'd just play some music and just ignore you too?

:: Like he'd be blasting some music in his earphones while playing with Layla, completely ignoring your existence too.

:: ✨ Layla Supremacy 😩 ✨

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