When they're your overprotective brothers

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Enhypen as your overprotective brothers
( This may feel a little bit yandere (? I think? ) But, enjoy guys~~!! )

Requested by Jiyeon1609


– Dude, why do I see Heeseung glaring at your male friends whenever they would approach you or something 💀💀

– I swear, Heeseung would be very soft and gentle with you, but when another tried to compete with him, why do I see him trying to keep away from that person because he says they are a bad influence for you 💀

– Heeseung would always be asking you where you went, who you were with, if they are boys or etc.

– Dude, you love your brother, but is just annoyed of his overprotectiveness


– man, Jay would obviously approach your male friends or the people who try to approach you and ask if they're just approaching you for money

– Dude, why do I see Jay just slapping these random boys who approach you with cash and just says “F*CK off my sister you normies.”

– Whenever you go somewhere, this man would get one of his friends or worked employees to go undercover to spy on you– this man have money, he can make it happen.

– Jay treasures you like the princess you are that he'd step on every boy who tries to get you away from him


– your overprotective brother who tries so hard not to show it to you, but it just comes out so obvious

– If Jake would see some random boys approaching, why do I think he'll smile at them but that smile means more than a million of bad deeds– 💀💀💀💀

– He's such an angel with you, but becomes a police officer whenever it comes to your safety and with boys.

– You love Jake, and he loves you, a lot than you can imagine– he even claims that he'll be the only boy in your life.


– oh please, you two ice skate together and whenever a random boy or person approaches you, why do I see Sunghoon just purposely skating in the middle between you two and glare at the person

– man, since this brother of yours skates, he'll surely have an overprotective attitude as cold as ice itself

– dude, if you come home after hanging out with your friends, Sunghoon would always be asking you where you went, you was with you, if there were some boys etc.

– you love Sunghoon more than anything in the world, and he does too but– he's not letting any boy take ahold of his little sister's hand.


– Your brother that may appear as the cutesy type of brother, but is the devil that everyone's afraid of behind your back

– Sunoo is observant, is he thinks this person is a bad influence to you or is a bad person, he'll do all he can to get you away from them

– Whenever you'll go out with friends, he'll follow you discreetly from behind to know where you guys are going and who you're with

– As much as Sunoo loves you, your safety means a lot to him and the boys so, drastic measures will be done if one of them passes the line.


– Your brother who's always beside you, whether it'd be at home or at school

– Jungwon is a person who can't even keep his emotions hidden, so you would probably know if he dislikes something or not

– Whenever a random boy will approach you, Jungwon will immediately hold your wrist and tell the boy “Sorry, we're leaving now. Y/N and me, her brother, has urgent stuff to do at home.” and leaves

– Jungwon loves you a lot, to the point that he'll even cling to you so that no other boy would approach you


– your overprotective older brother that's older than you by just a year.

– Niki will be following you in disguise whenever you'll go somewhere with friends, if you ever catch him, he'll just say you guys ended up into the same destination and boom, he becomes part of your hangout and manages to keep your male friends' hands off of you

– Niki always whines to you whenever you say that he's being overprotective with you. He says that you're still too young to know about the society around you and that he's protecting you

– Niki loves you to the point that he'll defeat every boy who come this way to try and take you away from him

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