Sea Glass

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I am Sea Glass; I'm the remains of something broken long, long ago. I tumble this translucent world, in search of my transparent past.

Under the sea, a broken bottle waits for me. Water washed over glass sharp turns smoothly. Years come years pass. Someday somewhere on a beach, I spot specks of glass. I'll reach out to hold frosty stones polished by the sea for me alone.

I am the heart of the sea. I talk with the gritty sand. As your gently waves wash love upon me so that I become smooth and soft, if you look closely, I'm glistening with sparkling, vibrant colors.

 I'm the sea telling you not to give up something breakable. It will turn into something beautiful. I stand out from my vast surroundings, diving showing my reflection of love within the waves from the deep blue sea.

I'm Mother Natures' fragile artwork. I stand out from the others living in the sea with me. 

I'm your beloved jewel that shines brightly like a flashlight, discovering something as beautiful as me because I'm the queen of the calm deep blue sea. 

Besides my beauty, I have mixed emotions my friends say because I'm a different color every day. As my friends and I wash to shore, tourists of all ages among the beach pick us up, seeing our unique qualities, features, and emotions that lay among the sea glass who live under the sea and sand.

I dance with the waves and sing in the rain when the summer storms have hit again. The waves crash me into the marine life below, seeing their actual color.

 I have seen the sea when it's stormy, when its and quite dark and moody, and in all, it's moods I see a reflection of myself. I symbolize the magic of being transformed. I am a wonderful, beautiful gift from the sea. I take lots and lots of patience because the ocean takes it's time to create for me.

My friends and I are survivors of sharp fragile broken glass that once was shattered in the depths of the sea—abandoned in the icy waters. With its jagged edges that become softened, getting rounder, as its new shape forms with my protecting coating. 

My friend's mother, Nature, transformed me, and time as my shards look like glitter shining upon the shore. My friends and I go from the trash in the sea. To a beautiful, glittering, soft treasure just like me, that will one day be collected.

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