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"Oh my god, today was the longest day of my life," you say, collapsing into the chair by your desk

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"Oh my god, today was the longest day of my life," you say, collapsing into the chair by your desk. "I'm so fucking tired."

Spencer grins at you, tapping his pen against the desk. "Are you sure about that, Ace? I would think going through labor for twenty-nine and a half hours would have taken the cake."

You roll your eyes. "Oh, shut up, brainiac."

He laughs, standing up and walking over to you. "The case was long, but we caught the guy in the end, so it was worth it."

"I know, but that doesn't make me any less tired." You yawn, looking up at him. "We should get going, though. Jessica's probably going crazy watching both Ethan and Jack."

"I'm sure she's fine," Spencer assures you as you stand, grabbing your go bag.

You raise your eyes at your husband. "Ethan is almost two. He's a freakin' handful."

Spencer cracks a smile, lacing his fingers with yours. "I know, Ace. Come on, let's go get our handful of a son."

You say goodnight to the rest of the team before you push open the doors of the BAU, you and Spencer walking hand in hand down the stairs to the first floor. You push open the front doors, walking over to your car in the parking lot, the brisk air feeling nice against your seemingly flushed skin.

You and Spencer drive to Hotch's house to pick up Ethan, the sun already setting behind the horizon. Spencer's finger traces lazy patterns on your thigh as you drive, the silver of his wedding ring catching in the fading light every so often. You smile to yourself, your right hand leaving the wheel to grab his, bringing it to your lips. You kiss his hand softly and he laces his fingers in yours.

"What was that for?" He asks, a smile in his voice.

You shrug. "Just 'cause."

You pull into Hotch's driveway, and you and Spencer both get out, walking up to his front door. He's not home—still at the office—but Jessica is here. You knock on the door, and after a few moments, Jessica opens it, smiling wide at you guys when she sees you.

"Come in!" She says, pulling the door open for you two.

You walk inside, the air in the house warm and inviting. You glance around before noticing Ethan on the floor, playing with a couple of toys. You smile at your son, taking in the mop of curls on his head—he got your hair color, but Spencer's curls and Spencer's eyes. You think it's completely unfair that you were in labor for over 24 fucking hours just to have the baby look almost exactly like Spencer, but y'know, that's out of your control.

"Ethan Jason, come give your mama a hug!" You sink to your knees and Ethan's head snaps up, hazel eyes landing on you.


He clumsily gets off the floor and runs over to you, his little mismatched socks thumping on the hardwood floor. You laugh as he throws his little arms around your neck, and you give the top of his head a kiss. He giggles and pulls away before running to Spencer. Spencer scoops him up in his arms, twirling him around. Ethan shrieks before laughing, Spencer tickling him before pulling him into a hug.

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