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I know in this case, Hotch technically isn't present bc Foyet stabbed the FUCK out of him, but for story purposes, he is present and Prentiss is also present. Also the gif is from the actual episode, so enjoy that image.

"Why are we here?"

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"Why are we here?"

You walk up to Morgan and Rossi, adjusting the collar on your turtleneck. Morgan raises his eyebrows as when he spots the turtleneck, the hint of a smile on his lips.

"I don't know," Morgan answers honestly.

Spencer runs up to the group, throwing his bag strap over his shoulder. "Are we working this case?"

"No," Rossi says, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Then why are we here?"

"That's what I asked," you say, giving him a little smile.

"Guys, come on," Prentiss says, swiftly walking past the group. Hotch follows her.

You all head up the stairs, following the commotion into an apartment. JJ stands with a file in her hands, and you feel your body tense slightly. Spencer puts his hand on your lower back, leaning down to whisper in your ear.

"Don't be jealous, Ace. Remember what I said."

He pulls away, giving you a soft smile before you all approach JJ. She swivels her head around.

"Good, you're here," she says. "You all remember Detective Walker?"

You, in fact, have no clue who Detective Walker is, but you smile and nod anyway. You shake his hand, giving him a curt nod.

"Agent Y/l/n, unfortunate we have to meet under these circumstances."

JJ hands the file to Spencer, and he flips through it, eyes scanning the pages quickly.

"Who's the victim?" Morgan asks, glancing down at the covered body on the ground.

"Nelson Martinez. From what we can presume, he answered the door, was forced back inside the apartment at gunpoint, then shot in the chest point blank."

"Sloppy," Spencer mutters under his breath.

"I don't want to be rude, but why are we here?" Hotch asks, furrowing his brow.

"Two days ago, a local doctor named Tom Barton found a note addressed to him at the hospital," Detective Walker explains. "It said the person was planning on killing his son." You raise your eyebrows. "If Dr. Barton tried to keep the boy hidden, one person would die every day in his place."

"And you think this is connected?" Prentiss questions.

"The note is signed 'L.C.'," Spencer muses.

"Yesterday, we had another shooting. The shooter wrote 'L.C.' in white chalk next to the body." Walker eyes the group.

You bend down, pulling back the plastic of the covering over the body, revealing another 'L.C.' written in white chalk. You look up at the team, exhaling slowly.

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