Chapter One

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"Come on, Kaila, I thought you'd be better at this!!" Matt yells,"Being the team captain and all."

"Big talk coming from a bench warmer!!" I retorce, rolling my eyes.

We're at soccer practice, getting ready for the big game on Friday. The start of the play offs.

"Damn, why you call him out like dat." Micah asks.

"Aye, he insluted ME first, I didn't strike first man." I reply.

He rolls his eyes and we get back to practice, which is brutal as usual. It lasts till five, which is better than last practice which lasted till eight, but it still was brutal. As I wipe the sweat from my eye brows, I glance at the stands and see a small girl, she looks my age though. I shove Micah.

"Hey, whose she?" I ask.

"Oh, her, that's Lilith, she's my best friend." he replies,"Why?"

"No reason, just wondering who she is."

"Yo, Kaila, Micah, y'all wanna go to No Wait Diner? Me and a couple others are going." Clara asks.

"Yeah, sure." I reply.

"Nah, maybe next time, I gotta take my friend home." Micah answers.

"Aight man." Clara says.

"If y'all want, y'all can ride in the bed of my truck, or 5 can sit in the cab with me." I say.

"Sure, I'll ask the others."

She asks the others and they all want to ride in the bed of the truck. Except for Matt, who wanted to ride in the cab with me, says he doesn't want to be thrown over cause the others threatened to.

"So, I saw you lookin at the girl in the stands, anythin you wanna tell me?" he asks. Matts my best friend, and I trust him with every thing, its just, I dont want him to know I'm lesbian. Not yet anyway.

"Naw, I was just wonderin who she was. I've never seen her before." I reply.

"You can tell me if your lesbian, Kaila, it honestly wouldn't be a surprise."

"And why is that?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.

"Because you haven't had a crush on me, and no girl can resit this." He says, a smug look on his face.

"Sigh, yes, I am lesbian." I sigh,"I didn't want to tell you, but I guess you already knew. How did you figure it out though."

"I see how you look at other girls. When I ask you if you think some girl is cute, you go into a full discoussion about it. If I ask about a dude, you just say, yeah, I guess they look good." He says matter of factly.

I pull into the parking lot of No Wait Diner and stop the car,"Just don't tell anyone ok? I'm not ready for that yet, don't wanna ruin my rep, okay?"

"Dont worry, K, I got chu." He replies, getting out of the car.

I follow, and head into the diner with the others.


And that is the first chapter yall!! Next chapter will be longer I swear.

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