Chapter 2: Friends

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With the day ended I meet my science teacher and last teacher of the day Mr. Brown he was funny , but always about business when it came down to it. He passed out the work books that we needed and started talking about how we are going to need these books for the whole school year so don't mess them up. An he put is with our groups. He put me with K.P nobody never really knew her name but she was a chill and fun person,Derrick he was a the only light skin I knew that did nasty stuff , aaliyah she was somewhat a stuck up black girl who was a daddy girl. So these were the people I was going to have to get to know and become friends with and sit with for a the whole school year. Then

It was time to go home. I felt so relieve I was leaving the school and going home. So I went into the gym and my stomach started to fell funny for some crazy reason, then they called my bus. So I left to go get on my bus but I my stomach was still feeling funny. I made it to the bus and I stepped in front of the door and just waiting until she opened the door. She finally opened the door about a whole year later but when I stepped on the bus my stomach felt completely funny I felt like I was going to puke every where and on some people. But I kept it in because I didn't want to embarrass myself like an idiot on the first day.I didn't know why I didn't like the bus but as soon as I came to my stop I was happy and ran of the bus. So I walked down my apartment drive way and it was so hot. I ran in and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2015 ⏰

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