Chapter 1 : The Beginning Of Love

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As I found myself in front of her I was amazed at her beauty. I know she was the one that I was suppose to be with me forever. I looked at her and stuttered out "Hi my name is Miguel." she looked at me and smirked at me and said " Hey my name is Elaine." Then she walked of with her friends to class. When I made it to my class I notice that she was sitting at a table with the last seat open in the class, so I went to go sit down in it. She looked at me and turned to the teacher. The teacher introduced herself then she made us do group introductions. After about 2 minutes nobody had said anything ,so I started to talk to her having a normal conversation because we didn't won't to do any of those stupid introduction. So I started acting like any other boy and flirted with her ,but she was playing hard to get until I finally broke through her. She then said " We can be best friends because I don't really like you like that and we need to give you a nickname." I looked away so she wouldn't see the excitement then turned around smiled and said "Okay." We stopped talking because the teacher started talking about the class and the rules. I looked at teacher with confusion because she was a small, soft, lady who looked like she can easily get pushed around, so I turned around and started to resist laughing. After, she got done talking it was 3 minutes before the dismiss bell rang am I heard Elaine call my name, I turned around an as we got up she walked up to me an said "Mikey, that's your nickname because Miguel is Michael in Spanish." After she said that she walked off to get to her other class.

Sorry The Chapter Is So Short I Been Really Busy Lately But The Chapter 2 Is In Progress An I Will Try To Make It Longer

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