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" Wow", a breathy Misha said.
Evain turned to look at her, in her hands she held up one of the canvas printed photos of Evain and the bear.

" Ev , this is amazing, so realistic.."

" Well it is real." Evain shrugged, her blush present again.

" wait what?" Misha set the painting back down and thumbed through the other three.

" Yeah.." , Evain turned to her fully, a sheepish look on her face.

Misha looked up at her," oh please tell me you didn't."


" Are you crazy woman! A real bear??" Misha exploded.
" What-," Misha was abruptly cut off when the bell to front door dinged as a tall man entered the store.

Evain turned to face the man," Hello welcome!" She cheerily said with a wide smile.

A little glance over her shoulder told her that Misha would continue this later.

" Is there a Evain Locke here?", a deep gravely voice came from the man.

" oh , uh yes-yes I'm Evain," she stepped closer to the man still smiling.

A smile split the mans lips, digging into his back pocket he pulled out a phone. Evains eyes lit , her phone!

" Oh my gosh! My phone!" She took the device from the mans outstretched palm. " Where I'm earth did you find it?" She gave him a most grateful look.

Her eyes shined as she looked up at the man, his beard was a bit shaggy, his hair looked as if he ran his finger through it one too many times.
Evain bit into her lower lip, she couldn't deny the man was very attractive.

The man gave a short chuckle, " funny enough, in the woods out by the town border of Flywater Creek," he cupped the back of his neck.
" I've got to be honest, I thought the owner of the phone had gone missing. But there were no reports of a Evain Locke missing. "

Her blush flushed her entire face to the tips of her ears," I'm so sorry . I'm such a clutz I must have dropped it when I was out hiking yesterday."

" Well I'm just glad that your alive and okay, you know there isn't a password on that right?"

" Oh yes I know, I can never remember one so why bother." She started walking to the counter.

Misha has disappeared into the back, leaving Evain with the stranger.

" Is that how you found me?," Evain voiced her concern about how he knew where to go.

"Oh uh yeah," he cleared his throat, moving deeper into the store himself." Your home location was this shop, so I figured I'd find the owner here. And your name was on it."

" Well thank you very much .." she left it hanging.

" oh uh," he stuck his hand out," Chris, Chris Duntst ."

Evain set her phone down and moved to shake his large hand, the callouses were rough against her skin, but the tingling sparks is what had her letting out a small gasp.

Clearing her throat," Nice to meet you Chris," she smiled up at him with a firm one shake hand shake.

She noticed he seemed to be holding his breath, her eyebrows crinkled in worry, was he okay?

" It very nice to meet you too Evain," his voice seemed to get deeper.

Evain couldn't help but bite into her lower lip once again. Eye farting from the attractive male in front of her to around her store.

An idea popped into her head.
" Welll as a thank you for returning my phone, pick anything from the store I can give you a 40% discount." She offered with a smile as she drifted away from him over to a bear paw print knick knack.

Chris drifted behind her, so close she felt as though she could feel the heat of his body against her back.

He let out a little chuckle," 40% huh, what a steal."

She giggled along side him," we have all kinds of stuff,  see anything you like?" She glanced at him as she asked.

" Absolutely," his answer was gruff.

A shiver ran down Evains spine.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2020 ⏰

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