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Evain drove with a smile on her face, pushing her glasses up higher on the bride of her nose as she sang along to wicked game by Chris isaak. The green blue of trees passed her windows, the fresh smell of the mountains filled the cab of her Jeep.

She glanced at the time display on her dash at it read 7:58am, she had been driving for a good while.

Slowing down to a more leasurely drive, she spotted a little place to pull off on the side of the road, and a dirt road. Opting for adventure, Evain took it.

She drove on bumpy dirt for another 15 or so Minuit was before she stopped. Hopping out of her vehicle, she eyed a little dirt hiking path.

" Jackpot!", she said to herself.

Turning off her car she shouldered her back pack and duffle and began walking into the woods without a second thought.

" ooo! This is gonna be so good!", she began talking to herself the entire walk.

Blabbering to the trees about her hand ideas for how to shoot the photos and all kind of other random nonsense. Before she knew it she had walked off the more visible path and deep into the thicket.

Finally, she eyed a small even surfaced clearing past a few trees." Well, this'll do!", she cheerily huffed.
Dropping her bags, she behind pulling out her set up and making her own little outdoor studio. Setting her phone down on a rock she began pulling outfits from her duffle, pulling off her own t shirt and jeans she also pulled out the tarp and her makeup. Sitting in her underwear in the middle of the woods, Evain began doing her makeup, keeping it simple.

For her first look, she donned a baby pink cotton ruched dress throwing it into the air she clicked the remote button in her hand and with a louder click and a flash, the picture was taken.

Evain did several poses in the pink dress before she moved onto the next.

This time opting for a more rustic style, she quickly braided her hair before sticking a few called leaves in the braid , wearing and see through long sleeved gown, she repeated the process of taking more pictures.

Shoving the dresses back into the duffle, and undoing her hair she bent down to pull out the chiffon piece she brought, without spilling the contents of the duffle, she let out a little huff, bent over at the waist she pulled it free, with a little happy noise.

Throwing it on, she snagged the mirror she brought with her to touch up her makeup if needed.

" the f-", she whispered as she spotted a dark large mass in the bushes behind her, she could have sworn it was there moments ago.
Spinning on her heel, she dropped the mirror softly into the duffle, as a large bear emerged from the thicket.

Evain felt her heart beat loudly in her chest, skip a beat. Her eyes widened a fraction in fear and her breath stopped for a second.

A bear...
A bear!...
A bear!

Evain spilled dropped back to normal, her breath regained and a smile spread across her lips.

She was no threat to this great beast, and as long as she knew that, she knew it would know that.

With a tilt of her head she lifted her hand in the direction of the bear," Hi there!"

The bear sniffed the air before moving closer to her and touching its wet snot to her outreaches palm.

" See I'm not gonna hurt you," she giggled to the bear as it nuzzles her hand.

The beast easily dwarfed her but even still it as acting like a little puppy. Evain softly petted it.

" Are you a boy or a girl," she asked the animal as she scratched behaving it's ear.
The bear sat down on its butt and towered over her she had to move closer and rewatch her tip ropes just to continue rubbing its head.
" huh buddy, your a boy aren't you?"

The bear lolled to the side , tongue out, as if to say yes. Before it dropped to the ground on its shoulder. The loud thump made Evain jump before she laughed and melted petting the bear.
" am I on your land?" She asked. " I'm sorry if I am."

The bear seeming to have had enough of her pets for back up and went about walking around her, brushing against her, pushing her.

Evain laughed at the beast. But when it started to nose through her things and sniff every thing she had to stop laughing and went to shoo him off her camera.

" No no, big boy, not that. " she nudged his face from her tripod.
" I need that, please."
Seeming to understand her the bear moved from the tripod and instead plotted down right next to it. The expression in its eyes seeming to say,' go about your business, don't mind me'.

Evain laughed at the big oaf.
" oh you want to watch ?", she teased the bear.
As she turned her back to the bear to continue her impromptu shoot, she suddenly had a thought.

" hey boy," she spun to look at the bear as it watched her.
" you know this is probably a bad idea," she laughed at herself.

After a few shots of herself, she had been afraid the flash of light might spook her new friend, but he just sat there watching.
As she finished with her set and was about to move onto the next one. She had completely become accustomed to the presence of the bear and barely noticed him.

Pulling the dress off her skin, she was shocked still as a deep growling rumble sounded behind her. Looking up from where she had bent down to put the dress back into the duffle, Evain watched as the bear stood from where he had been laying watching her.

A tilt of her head," you okay big guy?"

The beast lumbered towards her and nuzzled its great big head into her stomach, a umfph left her lips at the semi hard impact.
" Hey buddy, it's okay." She rubbed his head before going back to grabbing more clothes from her duffle, all the while the bear kept rocking her as he rubbed his head against her side.

Pulling free a red cotton gooey sun dress. She pulled it over her head as the bear just watched her.

Evain went back to spot of posing but the bear followed.

" You wanna be in the pictures too buddy?" She asked with a smile and amusement in her tone.

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