Who let in Florida?!(3)

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The nations began to plan out how they were going to find the young personifications, they could tell that the american was worried. She may have masked it well with her goofy smile and humor but that didn't stop the older nations from seeing right through her tactics.

So far they had decided to try and set up a trap for the man who called Timothy the first time. Amelia would call and pretend to want to join the group and bring them the nation of england, and hopefully arrange some kind of meeting area. Arthur wasn't too fond of the fact he was bait but it was an almost unanimous decision. After that they hoped the man would arrange a meeting and Amelia would go undercover to see who and what this group knew. That was the hope anway, but most nations doubted it would get them much information.

With a sigh amelia began the plan, signalling for everyone to stop talking and for england to complain and struggle every once and a while. The american punched the number into a burner phone and held it to her ear, her face holding a soft frown. After a few rings she heard the other line pick up. A stern gruffy voice sounded from the other end.

"Hello?" The voice asked in an irritated tone.
"Hello? Who is this?" Amelia asked in an icy tone, a boston style accent slipping into the mix.
"I should be asking you that! You're the one who called me. How the hell did you get this number kid?!"
"Got it off some guy blabbing his mouth in my bar. He was talking big 'bout some group tryn' t0 bring down nations or somethin', Sounded interesting. So now he's tied to a chair in the back and I'm talking to you." She spoke with a hint of amusement.
"What's the guy look like?"
"Eh... Shangy blonde, emerald eyes, eyebrows thicker than the mornin' fog. British I think. Unless he's got a phony one." A faint "Oi" from england came from the back.
"Has he called himself-" Amelia cut him off with a smirk.
"England? Arthur? The embodiment of English culture? Yeah. An annoying little manchild too. So, What's all this talk of taking out the nations? And are all of these "Embodiments of culture" as dumb and annoying as limey back there?"
"'Fraid so. Why don't we meet down at the docks of DC tonight. You bring the nation and I'll let you in on what we are doing." Amelia silently celebrated.
"You got a deal sir. See ya then" With that She hung up. Silence remained until Ivan spoke up.

"Did it work?" He asked warily.
"Course! I've got hollywood on my side! Nonetheless, we need to tie mister eyebrows up and get ready to bring him to the Docks Tonight." She proclaimed proudly as she peered over at her victim. England looks horrified at the thought that he was being used as bait and could even possibly die. He inched towards the door, only to hear the sound of something big crunching down and the pop of bubblegum. He was flung to the wall as a teen no older than 16 entered. A black bikini top on with short jean shorts and converse. Next to the teen was a huge Crocodile chewing on what was assumed to be the security guard's taser.  Amelia upon seeing the girl sighed heavily and looked at the duo with annoyance.
"Okay, Who let in Florida?!" She asked no one in particular.
"Ey Ma! FM and I wanted to help you get back the family babies!" The unknown girl spoke with confidence.
"Nope! Go home." Amelia huffed but her order fell on deaf ears. The Italian twins, france and Spain had already moved to the teen and if there was anything Flora liked more than making trouble it was attention from guys.
"Ve~ You are such a beautiful bella!" Feliciano praised as he brother nodded as he looked away acting annoyed.
"Oh! Why thank you! I try~ Gotta outshine Candy everyday of the week!" The girl bragged.
"But what is a beautiful mademoiselle doing with such a dangerous reptile?" France asked hold a rose up to her.
"Oh- Florida Man isn't so dangerous! He just... is misunderstood!" She said before squatting down and petting the large reptilian.
"You look familiar Chica, Have we met before?" Spain asked.
"Yeah actually but we haven't seen each other much, especially Not since Ma took me. Do you remember Floriana?" She asked, looking up at him with a smile.
"Floriana..." Spain paused and thought deeply before nearly jumping up and then onto the girl. "Floriana? Is that you?? I thought you were gone! Mi preciosa hija i missed you so much!" The spanish man hugged her tightly as she giggled and hugged back.
"Yep Papi! It's been a long time..." She smiled at him as he let her down. France realizing that this meant she was now under Spain's protection he backed away and moved to Amelia. The mother gazed at her child ,as she talked to Spain, with a soft smile. France tapped her shoulder before speaking.
"I assume that is one of your states? Florida, right?" He asked, gaining a nod from the mother.
"Yeah. She has wanted to meet spain again for so long..." Amelia commented but could see France wanted to ask something else. She knew what he wanted by his expression. "The answer is Yes, The states from the Louisiana purchase remember you somewhat. Most of them want to meet you as well. Maybe after this blows over you can come meet them." France seemed to beam as Amelia said this. She knew that many of the countries would want to meet their old colonies or land as well as some states wanting to meet their 'other parent'. Of course Amelia was still wary of the nations but she couldn't help but smile at her daughter's happiness. Sighing America spoke up throughout the room. "Alright. Let's get this Limey ready to be held hostage." With that Flora pulled out rope and they began prepping the poor english nation. Within the next half hour they had tied up, roughed up, and made England look like he truly was a hostage. Some nations were even enjoying the silence from the ever complaining brit.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2021 ⏰

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