Motherly Freakout (2)

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"Mom! Calm down. Everyone is safe right now so there is no need to get so worked up. Don't blame the poor nations if they didn't know who you were even though you haven't ever even met them. They most definitely didn't know about who attacked me so there is no need to be hostile." Timothy explained. He looked even more anxious than usual as he calmed Amelia down.

Sure, he understood that she was scared but getting angry would do no one any good.

It might've worked too if a certain brit had kept his mouth shut.

"For once that idiotic git is right." Arthur mumbled, obviously forgetting that mothers have supernatural hearing skills.

"Hey! What did you just say about my baby?!" Amelia immediately turned to the man with a scowl on her face. Timothy tried once again to calm her down.

"I-its fine mom, he didn't mean it!"

If only his mother could calm down that easily now. Her mother's adrenaline was kicking in and there was no way to stop it.

Well... There was one way.. er Three. Technically. Not the point though. The point was that they had no way for anyone to stop the impending freak out his mother was going to have. He could practically see steam coming out of her ears.

"No, Timothy, This bumbling idiot of a country seems to not understand something and if I have to I will shove his god awful teabags down his throat-" Her phone began to ring. The soft tune was followed by the words 'Who shot that arrow in your throat' before it was picked up.

"Hello?" She sounded irritated. None of the nations spoke about how rude it was to take the call. They had never been spoken to like this from anyone, even other nations they hated. This woman had even managed to shut Ivan up .

In an instant she turned from being seconds from blowing up to having a worried and anxious expression before she gave a concerned "what?" And going silent again.

"They .. they aren't there anymore?.. They went out into the gardens without saying anything to you? ... Could you... Please Do a head check for me." Silence again as her face and body posture changed into one of nervousness.

"O-..Only 47, including yourself? .... Shit. Get the car's ready and get everyone packing. I'll be home soon. We need to make that house look like it wasn't lived in for quite some time." Her voice grew shaky. "Did you find Aurora and Loki? They might still be nearby."

Silence. And then a small whimper. "O-okay. Love you be , I'll home soon. Timothy is headed your way right now to help." She hung up. Then turned to Timothy.

" They took Ana, Nik, and Lilah...I need you to go help them get ready to move to the safe house." Timothy just hugged his mother who was on the verge of tears before leaving.

Taking a shaky breath amelia turned to the nations. "I.. I apologize for my outburst but I am only here to help.

I'm sure that you heard the call that Timothy got the other day, but we believe that man was a part of an organization who wants to destroy our kind. They targeted Timothy because he is generally weaker than most countries. You can see how that turned out. I had thought that there was a group of people with that intention to get rid of us but I never thought they would act.

I am sorry that we had to meet on this note but we must work towards shutting them down or else we will never be able to continue like normal ever again in fear of destruction. Please help me get my youngest children back. They were taken while I was here, getting all worked up..."

At this point she was crying and sounded almost desperate when she mentioned her children. Her speech was followed by silence.

No one wanted to say no, but there was a certain nation who they believed who get mad if they agreed. No one had stood up to Ivan so they thought he was mad at the Mother.


"Da, I will help. Only if you answer some quick questions first." Russia's voice cut through the air. Amelia looked at him before nodding.

"Do you have any idea where they might be?" She shook her head.

"How old are the children. I assume they are micronations or something so what do they represent?" Amelia sighed and answered.

"They are states. One is eight, the other two are twins and are 9, Physically. They all are about sixty years old. State wise, My youngest is Hawaii, and the twins represent east and west Alaska." She explained.

"Why did you wait to take your duties as the actual nation of America?" He asked next.

"My country had just finished the French and Indian war when I figured out I was a nation. I could tell something big was coming and I knew that I wouldn't be respected as a woman Nation.

I wanted to meet the other countries but as the newly formed country I was I just wasn't going to make my country look weak because their representative was female. So I sent Timothy. The plan was to come back once we weren't a big target, and then the rest of my states became personified and I needed to be able to take care of them.

By then I was a superpower and 'Alfred' was all you knew. Any kind of hint he wasn't who he said he was would have triggered a frenzy."
The nations listening nodded somewhat understanding the logic.

"Last question, are you ready to tend to your duties of the Nation of America after this? You can't think that we will let you hide away from your duties after showing yourself." Ivan sounded amused at the thought she would take Timothy's place. Amelia looked up him with a small amused smile. The question and tone Ivan had used seemed to cheer her up, if only a tiny amount.

"Of course, you can't get rid of me that easily."

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