The Alliance

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Louis quickly glanced at Scar and Tomb before charging at Thorn and Hawk with a thrust kick. Hawk deflected it and went for a jab at Louis's face, which Louis blocked along with a roundhouse from Thorn. Louis then managed to sweep Hawk onto the ground and thrust kicked Thorn away, putting some distance between his opponents. He side kicked Thorn a few more times before Hawk grabbed his shoulders and threw him to the ground. Louis quickly got back up and sucker punched Hawk on the beak before ducking under a punch from Thorn and jabbing him on the stomach.

Chloe shoved Huey out of the way and got hit in the face by Scar. She put some distance between her and the beagle, which allowed her to grab her wrist and jab her multiple times in the ribs before landing a backwards roundhouse to her gut. Tomb came from behind her, but she blocked his attack and smacked him in the beak, causing him to stumble back. Chloe reeled her arm back for another punch, but Scar caught it. Before Scar could capitalize, Chloe flipped her over her shoulder, allowing Tomb enough time to get back up and land another shot to Chloe's leg. She fell forward but managed to thrust kick Tomb to the ground.

Violet nervously clutched onto Huey's arm as they watched the six of them go at it.

"We have to call the police!" she cried, shaking nervously.

"What could they possibly do to them? You saw what they did to McDuck Manor!" Huey retorted. "Besides, Chloe basically is a cop."

"But we can't just watch all this happen!" Violet said.

Just after she said that, Louis got punched to the ground right in front of them, being forced to his feet by Hawk. Before Hawk could land another hit, Louis kicked him in the ribs and punched him back, thrust kicking Thorn away as well. Hawk then shoved Louis back a bit and landed a roundhouse to his chest. Chloe ducked under Tomb's punch and held him in a choke hold. She also managed to elbow Scar in the forehead and stomp kick her gut. She threw Tomb at Thorn, getting his attention. He charged at her, but she spun and kicked him in the stomach, causing him to hunch over, allowing her to axe kick his back. Tomb got back up and tried to roundhouse kick Chloe, but she ducked and swept his other leg, causing him to topple over onto his shoulder. Louis rolled over onto his knees as Hawk charged him one last time. Just before Hawk was about to land a flying punch, Louis threw a roundhouse to his face, causing him to flip completely over and land on the ground head first.

Chloe helped Louis up and said, "We gotta go!"

Louis nodded, signaling for Huey and Violet to follow them. On the way up the road, he pulled out his phone and dialed Sam's number.

"Hey, where'd you go? I thought you wanted to get something to eat?" she asked on the other end.

"Get up to the lift now!" Louis said.

"What? Why? Where are you?" Sam asked again.

"The Wolf Pack found us! We need to get to either the van or the cabin!" Louis explained quickly.

"A-Alright, I-I'll be up there in a minute. Just hold on," Sam replied before hanging up.

Once the four of them got to the lift, Dewey, Webby, Jason, and Lena were already there, arguing over something.

"You say I'm weak, so teach me what you know!" Dewey yelled at Jason.

"How many time do I have to say it, I do not care!" Jason yelled back. "If you wanna learn karate, ask you brother or something, just leave me the fuck alone."

"If you don't care, then why did you help us back there?" Webby asked.

Jason groaned. "Because I've seen those guys before, and they're assholes. I would've beat the shot out of them either way."

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