Meet in the Middle

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Louis led Chloe through the cabin into an empty room next to the library. "According to Sam, this was supposed to be a nursery if her parents ever had a second kid."

Chloe nodded and looked around the room. "It's nice. Definitely a lot of potential."

"Who knows, maybe this could be where your daughter sleeps," Louis agreed, rubbing the back of his neck. 

"Yeah, we'll see," Chloe replied.

After a moment of awkward silence, Louis cleared his throat. "L-Look, about this morning..."

"I was mad, you were mad," Chloe interrupted. "I know you didn't mean that."

"Well, I did, but not that way," Louis said. "Honestly, I just wanted..."

"To prove you could make it on your own," Chloe finished for him, taking a seat. "I get it. In fact, that's why I left Duckburg in the first place."

"Yeah," Louis agreed, leaning against the wall. "But here I am, wanted by the FBI and having to rely on my big sister to get me out of it... again."

Chloe stood up. "Hey, don't say that. You've made new friends, learned stuff I could never teach you, and you're wanted due to a misunderstanding. I'd say you're doing just fine on your own."

Louis smiled. "Thanks, Chloe. Oh, and about Cody, I don't think I ever got the chance to say I'm  sorry."

"Ah, you're good," Chloe replied. "You couldn't have known it was him at the time. Besides, it's not like you did it. Can... Can I ask you something, though?"

"Sure," Louis said with a shrug.

"Why exactly did you leave?" Chloe asked. "I mean, I'm sure I can guess, but I just wanna be sure."

Louis sat down and sighed. "After you left, everything just... fell apart. It just felt like the love was gone. Uncle Scrooge started losing his mind, Huey went insane trying to find a way to stop it. I don't know, it just all got to be too much."

"That makes sense," Chloe replied, sitting next to him. "Where were you planning on going next?"

"Easy, Dawson," Louis answered. "I figured you'd let me stay with you and Cody for a while, but then I ran into... Travis."

"Right, I think I can figure out the rest," Chloe said, standing back up. "Hey... how would you like to come meet your niece?"

Louis smiled and shook up as well. "I'd love that."

The two of them went back out into the foyer, where everyone could be heard fighting over rooms and other small stuff.

Eventually, they found the car seat Chloe used for her daughter, who was still asleep with a small smile on her face. Louis took on look at his niece and smiled. "She's adorable."

"So I've been told," Chloe replied with a chuckle.

Louis rubbed his niece's cheek tenderly with his thumb, causing her to lean her tiny head into his touch. "What's her name?"

"Louise," Chloe answered. "It was my idea. Cody was gonna call her Max if it was a boy."

"Awe, you named her after your favorite little brother," Louis teased, pulling his fingers back.

"Well, of course I don't hold favorites in this family," Chloe said loudly before she leaned in close to Louis and whispered, "but yeah, you're my favorite."

Louis laughed a little. "Well, it's getting late. Take any room you want, there should be plenty. My room's the one furthest from the library on the second floor."

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