Chapter 1- New School; Same Drill

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Here we go again. New school but always the same old drill- hide my powers. I'd gotten quite good at it over the past few years with all the practice.

My parents shove me and Anna into tons of different schools because their work includes a lot of moving around.

I just hope soon they'll find a place we can stick at because honestly? I'm tired of moving from place to place, school, to school. I'm tired of always being the new kid.

As my parents drove off out the school gates, I checked I had all my things. Pencil case? Check. Binder? Check. School map? Check.

After a few more checks and a mini panic attack from Anna because she thought she'd forgot her pencil case (she hadn't) we were ready to check in at the office.

The school was huge, much bigger than all the other ones I've been to.

All Anna could say was how cold she was though- she hadn't put on a coat because I hadn't either. She knows why I didn't need one- the cold's never bothered me, but she insisted she wouldn't be cold either.

"Why is it so cold today? It's freezing, and windy, and why is my face so cold-

"I told you, you should have brought your coat!" I giggled as she rubbed her arms trying to get them slightly warmer.

A rush of warm air hit us as the double doors opened to the loud, buzzing office. It was crazy inside.

There were several teachers rushing around looking for their lesson plans, the three secretaries were trying to handle five phone calls at once, and there were a few students trying to get the secretaries' attention as they needed to phone their parents to get them to bring stuff in.

Anna and I just went to back of the room and waited for everything to calm down a bit whilst we giggled at the some of the drama. A boy named Mitchell had forgotten his lunch and his gym kit- how forgetful could you be?

After only five minutes the office was free of other students, teachers, and phones ringing so we stepped to the front of the desk.

"Hello girls, what can I do for you today?" One of the secretaries said with a smile, although she seemed a little bit stressed at the amount of drama that goes on in an office.

"Um, hi, I'm Elsa and this is my sister Anna. We're new here and we-"

"Oh! Hello! Welcome to Quillage High! I was wondering when you two would come in, here's some things you'll need for your first day- or week. A homework planner, your timetable, a late pass (most new pupils get lost a lot round here so this late pass will get you out of trouble for the next week), your locker numbers and combinations and finally a library card! Enjoy your time here at Quillage!" She babbled with enthusiastic hand gestures.

"Oh, uhh, thank you!" I smiled as Anna and I walked out of the office into main corridors.

"Well she was very... enthusiastic." Anna giggled as she read through her new timetable.

"Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking" I giggled back as I held up my timetable for a read.

My first class was... English. Hm, not too bad I guess. "What's your first class?" Anna asked wearily, obviously she hadn't gotten a very good one.

"English- you?"

"Urgh, biology- see you at lunch?"

"Yeah sure. Bye Anna." I called as she ran off towards the science department and threw her hand up in a sort of wave.

I looked at my map and found the English department and started to walk towards that area, looking around me at my new everyday surroundings.

Everything was really brightly coloured here, it all seemed like a very cheery place.

The corridors were deserted, and it made me aware of the time- I was late. I started to run, gaining speed every ten seconds.

Suddenly, a boy stepped out from the toilets with a few books. I ran straight into him. We both hit the floor with a thud, and I sat up to look at the boy I'd knocked down.

He had silvery white, fluffy hair and bright blue eyes. A blue hoodie hugged his slim yet strong figure and he'd fallen onto his hands and knees.

I quickly gathered up my books and binder and was babbling away to him. "I-I'm so sorry, this was all my fault- I can't believe this-I..... I'm....."

I stopped talking and stared at his hand where it had hit the floor. Surely it couldn't be... But it was? A thin sheet of Frost had spread underneath his hand, I was certain.

But then, all of a sudden it was gone as he swiped his hand along the floor to stand up. He picked up his scattered books and looked at me with cold eyes.

"I'm, really, really sorry about that- I'm, I'm such a klutz sometimes." I said as I tucked a strand of my platinum blonde hair behind my ear.

I could feel the red rushing into my cheeks as I looked at him waiting for a response of some sort and finally he gave me one.

"Don't worry about it." His words were kind but his voice and facial expression were harsh.

He sped off down the corridor and I stood, stunned at what had just happened.

I fell into a trance of confusion and fascination. Was he like me? Did he really have ice powers or was I imagining it? Why did he seem so angry?

And lastly, one question remained in my mind. Who was this boy?


So that was the first chapter- hope you liked it (if you did be sure to vote & comment)! :)

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