Chapter 3- An Impossible Answer

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"Anna slow down. You know no one can understand you when you talk fast." I said trying to comprehend what Anna was saying, as I picked at my macaroni cheese.

She sighed and started to repeat herself slower, "I said, I made some new friends in biology, and would it be okay if I just sat with them at lunch? I mean, you made friends, so it's not like you'd be alone or anything."

"Yeah that's fine. I don't want to stop you from having friends." I almost got strangled to death by the tight hug she gave me before skipping away.

Of course, when we would get home, I was sure she'd bombard me questions about the first day of school. For once however, I would actually have something interesting to tell her in return.

The mysterious boy was always going to be on my mind, there was no point keeping all those thoughts to myself. Not all of them, some I could tell Anna. Still, I'm sure it was a good idea not to mention the ice magic I saw. Jack clearly didn't want me to have seen that ice magic, he'd probably appreciate it if I didn't go around telling people.

"How do you like the food here Elsa?" Rory asked, bringing me out of my reverie. I looked down at my macaroni cheese that slightly reminded me of sick and looked back up to Rory.

"Uhh, warm." Her laugh echoed in my ears, a musical and beautiful laugh.

"Yeah the food here is kind of, warm." She winked at me and then rejoined the conversation with the rest of the table, which I did too.

Then, I saw a group of girls giggling in the corner of my eye. Casually, I looked over to them to see what they were giggling and whispering about. Following their gaze, I saw that Jack was speedily striding through the canteen, running his fingers through his fluffy hair.

Suddenly I found myself losing interest immediately in the table conversation about our English teacher. My eyes were fixed on Jack, wondering where he was going, what he was doing, why he was walking so quickly.

Briefly, he stopped at the lunch counter, picked up an apple and started to make his way back out of the canteen. My curiosity got the better of me and I found myself gathering up my things.

"Hey- I'm gonna leave early, I need to go to the office before lessons start again." Quickly, I waved to my friends before rushing out the canteen with my head down. The minute I was out the door, I (slightly frantically) looked around for a sign of where Jack had gone.

Above the sea of heads bobbing around the school grounds, I noticed one in particular, covered in silvery-white hair.

To be perfectly honest, I had no idea what I was doing. What use was it following him? What was I supposed to say to him? 'Oh, yeah, sorry, I was just following you out of curiosity.

Still my feet went on. Then, Jack sat down by himself at an outside table. Something that no one else was doing because of how cold it was that day.

I took a deep breath, and walked over to his table.

A confused, yet expectant look crossed his face as he stared at me. He continued to stare at me as bit into his apple. Smiling at him seemed to make no difference to his expression.

He gulped down the bit of apple and opened his mouth, "What are you doing?"

"Can't I sit here? This table is owned by the school, which I now go to." Crunch. I looked down at his hand, rested on the table, as he continued to eat his apple. It was pale, quite like mine.

"I mean, why are you here? Why aren't you with your little friends?" He asked, sincerely curious.

"I just....." I didn't know the answer to his question. So I made one up. "I want to know why you are, well, kind of mean."

"You came over here, to ask me, why I'm 'mean'?" He asked incredulously. In reply I shrugged, and he let out a sigh. "It's just.... easier."

"What's that supposed to mean? Easier?" He looked at me with somewhat damp eyes.

"Why do you care, exactly?" I knew he meant that to sound stubborn, but his voice broke in the middle of his sentence, and it came off just sounding upset. Not knowing what to say, I just stared into his blue eyes, and I was lost completely.

Jack leaned towards the centre of the table so his face was extremely close to mine.

"I know you saw.... that thing, this morning. So I'm confused as to why you aren't running in the other direction screaming. Most people would at least avoid me if they saw that. Why is it, you keep coming back?"

Everything about him in that moment made me lose track of my brain. His cool breath- against my face, his dazzling blue eyes- inches from mine, his pale pink lips- enunciating every word perfectly.

I had no answer as I sat there, biting my bottom lip with anxiety, heart racing. Jack hadn't moved an inch, his perfect eyes fixed on my flickering ones, so close to my face I could have leaned forward just by a little, and kissed him.

Jack still awaited an answer, but I was saved by the ringing of the school bell. Or so I thought.

"I'll walk with you. I want an answer Elsa." He said, picking up my backpack and placing it on my back as I struggled to stand.

"Can't you give me even a little time to think about it?"

"You shouldn't need time, it's just an answer!"

"Fine. You can make up your own." He groaned loudly, obviously irritated. "Then give me to the end of the day! I'll meet you in the parking lot, and give you the answer."

"Ugh, fine!"

"Fine!" Sharply, I turned away from him and made my way to physics. I had roughly two hours to think of an impossible answer.

I couldn't tell him the truth. The truth was that I had ice powers too, and I wanted to help him with his in any way possible. But I was forbidden to tell anyone about them by my parents. At home I could play around with them all I liked, but not in public. They didn't want people to think we were crazy, or something.

Why did I keep going back to him? Somehow, it wasn't just the ice powers. It was something deeper, much deeper.

I was attracted to him like metal to a magnet, with no reasonable explanation as to why. Something about his stubborn attitude drew me in, when it should have pushed me away.

The thinking was getting too much for my head and I had to stop because I knew I would've fainted otherwise. Instead, I focused on my route to physics, which helped a lot.

When I got there almost everyone was sat down, some (thank goodness) were still unpacking they're things onto their desks. The quirky-looking physics teacher assigned me to a seat and I made my way over to it without complaints.

My seat was at the back, next to a blonde girl- gazing out of the window. With a thump, I sat down and she snapped her head in my direction, looking startled.

"Oh, uh, sorry. I didn't mean to make you jump or anything." I said apologetically.

"Oh it's no biggie, it was my fault. Daydreaming again." She smiled. "I'm Alice by the way." She held out her hand to shake, I took it and replied,

"Elsa. Nice to meet you."

For the majority of physics, I only thought about what I would say to Jack at the end of the day. All I had was I don't know. I knew for a fact he wouldn't believe that. So what would I tell him?


Sorry it took so long to write this chapter- I've been a little busy! Remember to vote and comment if you liked it!

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