Chapter 6- He's Just Sleeping

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I don't even think anybody is interested in this fanfic anymore but I have to keep writing for my comic version of it on Instagram so if you read this enjoy anyway! :) And be sure to vote, comment and add to your reading list if you like it 😁 xx


The whole of the first week I decided to focus on my new friends and school work. Although I have to admit it was extremely difficult when every time I looked at Jack I could see the pain in his eyes and now I knew where it'd come from.

Anna had told me Monday night, after the discovery, that it was important to have good friends that would be there if something bad happened during all of this 'Jack' drama.

Friday morning arrived and I met Punzie, Rory, and Merida, out on the courtyard. As I sat down at the outside bench all three were in deep conversation about some big event I'd never heard news of.

"Hey guys. What're you talking about?" I sat down and swung my bag onto the floor, smiling.

"Ah, Elsa! We were just talking about the party tonight, you have to come!" Grinned Punzie, bobbing up and down as she clapped her hands together.

"Party?" I asked, curiously.

"Yeah, it's to celebrate the beginning of the school year. We have one every year on the first Friday, it's tradition." Rory chimed in excitedly.

I got my water bottle out of my bag and started unscrewing the lid, nodding to myself. "Yeah... Yeah, I could do with a good night out I guess." All three of the girls flashed wide grins and Punzie reached over and grabbed my wrist.

"Okay- so- dresses! We thought we'd go shopping tonight, try on some clothes, you know-" Rapunzel had erupted into a speech about shopping and believe me there was no human on earth that could stop her talking about shopping. Thankfully, there was a school bell.

I bent down to put back my water bottle and secretly, under the table, refilled it with some ice.

Together we walked towards one of the school entrances and pushed through the double doors, into the noisy hallways. Halfway down the corridor Rapunzel and Aurora broke away down a different passage, to get to their Maths lesson.

"So where is this party?" I asked Merida, avoiding a flying football after hearing an older guy shout to his friend 'go long'.

"It's at Eugene's house this year. His parents do pretty well in the business world and they have a sweet pad. Yeah, Rapunzel's really excited about it."

"She is? How come?" I squeezed past the marching band making their way out to practise.

"Oh, she's had a crush on Eugene ever since... Oops. I wasn't supposed to tell anyone that!" Merida snapped her head towards me, covering her mouth with her hand.

"Oh, no, it's okay, I can keep a secret." I smiled and motioned zipping my lips shut. Merida grinned and continued,

"Oh well, now you know, may as well just tell you the details, eh? Well, right after she broke up with her first boyfriend, Eugene turned up at the school and they really got to like each other. I'm surprised you haven't noticed their flirting recently, it's gotten really obvious. Anyway, she's hoping he'll ask her to be his girlfriend tonight. That's why she's so excited."

"Wow, that's great! Wait, who was her first boyfriend- what happened with him?"

"Well, it was quite some time ago now but," she paused and looked around as if she was afraid someone would hear her, "her first ever boyfriend was, Jack Frost."

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