Chapter Eight: A new friend

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Bakugou's pov

fucking idiot, I don't act like a fucking teenager.

I stormed over to the couch and flopped down, and started scrolling through Twitter, nothing interesting was happening, but at least it was distracting.

Shitty hair sat down next to me and started looking over my shoulder.

"watcha doing, bro?"

"fuck off, shitty hair."

"come on, bro, I'm here for a while, we should get to know each other."

"what the fuck do you want to know?."

"like what's your favorite color?"


"oo, nice. mine is red."

"I didn't ask, but whatever."

"what's your favorite food?"

"tch, anything spicy I'm not picky. stop asking me all these stupid questions."

"Nah. I'm not a big fan of spicy food, I usually just eat instant ramen, but when I get the chance, any type of meat is good."

"The fuck you mean you only eat instant roman?!?!?!"

"food is expensive, bro, and besides, I can't cook very well."

"you should fucking learn everyone should at least know to do the basics."

" yah, I guess, but it's not like I have anyone to teach me."

"that's not a fucking excuse."

"it kinda is tho."

"jut Google a recipe and follow it, it's not that fucking difficult."

"The last time I did that, the kitchen almost burned down."

"fucking hell."

"you cook really well wou-"


"aww man, please??"

"no way in hell."

"Hmph, fine."

He pouted slightly, not that it would make a fucking difference I didn't spend four goddamn years in culinary school just to teach this dumbass to cook.



I jumped up and ran to the kitchen, fucking Deku was standing over a broken plate, and of course, he was almost in tears.


"I-i'm so sorry, Kacchan, it wasn't on purpose. I'm so sorry, I'll clean it up."

"fuck off, nerd, you've done enough damage already!!"


he ran off to his room, still crying. Shitty hair had followed me into the kitchen and now look at me with concern as I swept up the shattered plate. What a fucking mess.

"Is everything ok?"

"does it look like everything is ok, dumbass!?!?!?!"

"I guess not... can I help??"

"no, fuck off."

"Fine, fine."

I grabbed the dustpan and finished sweeping, throwing away the glass.

Idiot Deku, of course, he would break something. Fucking idiot. He better fucking pay me back for this.

Shitty hair sat down on the counter; and watched me, awkwardly trying to find something to do.

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