Chapter three: Diner

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Kirishima's pov

The sun shone through my apartment window, casting shadows around my bedroom.

It was 11:38, I had just finished getting dressed. I was wearing a band tee, black ripped jeans, a leather jacket, and combat boots.

The ride to the diner only takes about 15 minutes, but I wouldn't hurt to be early.

With one last look in the mirror, I left my apartment, grabbing my keys and wallet on the way out.

I got on my bike and headed out. The sun beat down on my back. I was really tempted to take my jacket off but figured I didn't want to die if I got into a crash.

I parked my motorcycle, took off my helmet and jacket, and walked into the diner.

It was a cozy vintage type place, run by a sweet lady in her 30s or 40s. She had a son around my age that sometimes sat in one of the booths, usually writing something in a notebook. He was quiet and had a tendency to mumble, but he was pretty nice. We always made a point to sit with him whenever he was there.

Auntie Inko looked up from the counter, where she was looking at some papers, bills probably.

"Oh, hey, Kiri, table for 4?"

"Yes, please."

"Go ahead and sit where you guys usually do, I just sprayed the table down, so it's clean."

"Thanks, Auntie Inko"

"Of course, honey."

I sat down, looking around the familiar restaurant. The squad has been coming here for years; Auntie Inko is practically another mother to me and the rest of the group.

When we were in high school, we used to study here, and she would try to help us whenever she could.

The front door opened, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"AUNTIE!" Kami practically yelled

"Hi Kaminari, it's great to see you, but please calm down; you're disturbing the other customers."

"Ok, anyone else here?"

"Kirishima is already sitting at the booth."

"Great! Thank you!"

"No problem."

Kaminari slid into the booth, sitting across from me.



"How's it going, Kiri?"

"Pretty good, bro. You?"

"It's been good, broski."

"Glad to hear it, bro!"

"If you guys so bro one more time..."

"MINA!!" We both yell pit in unison, causing Auntie to look over at is sternly

"Heh, sorry, Auntie."

"It's fine, Kiri, but please keep it down."

"Will do!" Kami said happily

After a couple of minutes of random chatter between us, Sero walked over, sitting down next to Kami.

"Hey, bros!"

"Hey, bro."

"Hey, broski!"

"Hey, babe!"

We sat at the booth, talking and laughing for hours. Occasionally Auntie Inko would come over to see if we needed anything.

It had been almost a month since the last time we did this, and in all honesty, I really missed it.

It was well into the afternoon when we finally split ways. After several hugs and goodbyes, I put my jacket and helmet back on and headed home.

I entered my apartment, flobbing down on the couch with a sigh; even if I did enjoy the time I spent with my friends, they were exhausting.

I unlocked my phone and scrolled through my messages, there was the usual one's from group chats and such, one from my mom, but it was the last one that really caught me off guard.

Excitedly I opened the message.


A/N: I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! Have a good day/night, drink some water, and get some sleep 

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