The Fury of Pandavas Scorned

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A/N The second day of Aru's hospital stay. I was always curious about how Aru was going to break the news about Boo to her friends. Here's my version of how it could happen. Enjoy!


When Aru woke again, Aiden sat in the chair by Aru's bed. She pulled herself up slightly. "Can you tell me--"

"What's been going on?" he finished.

Aru nodded eagerly.

"Hmm. Well, all the other Pandavas are at their training session, but they're getting out soon." Aiden settled comfortably back in his chair. "That reminds me. Boo's visiting later, he said to tell you--"

The light extinguished from Aru's eyes. Her face shut down into an expression as cold and hard as diamond. "He can't come," she said in a brittle voice, staring ahead of her. Already she saw the vision again as she knelt, alone, in Aranyani's grove.

"Why not?"

"Because I need to tell you and everyone else what he did."

Aiden nodded slowly, curiosity entering his expression. "Nikita and Sheela won't be able to come. They're in custody of the Otherworld Foster Care System."

"Boo can override them." Aru paused, thinking. "But tell emotions are fragile at the moment and I can't handle too many people at one time." True enough, she thought.

Aiden looked searchingly at her. Blue specks glimmered in his brown eyes. "I will," he said at last. She wondered what he was thinking. She held his gaze a little too long and looked away, blushing. She closed her eyes. "I need some time to myself now. Thank you, Aiden. For everything."

"You're welcome," he said softly. A second later, she heard his footsteps leaving the room.


The Pandavas filed into the room. "Where do we sit?" asked Mini, glancing distastefully at the single chair by the bed.

"The bed's fine." Aru's voice was toneless. She sat with her knees pulled under her chin. Aiden noticed that the middle hollow in her necklace was empty. She turned an amber bead over in her fingers.

Aiden sat on the bed and quietly waited. The other Pandavas copied his lead. They seemed to sense Aru's emotional state.

Aru tossed the jewel to Aiden. "You should do it. It's only right."

Aiden gazed at her. He wished he could say something. Instead, he took a breath and pressed on the gem.

A colorful hologram sprang to life next to their heads. Aiden glimpsed Aru, kneeling on the ground in a golden-lit chamber. In front of her stood a tall, regal dark-haired woman. That had to Aranyani. He started to open his mouth, but the next image made him freeze.

Their mentor, Boo, alighted on a lamppost at the opening of a dark alley, squawking anxiously. The reason for his agitation became clear when shadows poured forth from the gloomy depths of the passage, coalescing into a murky shape.

"I hear you have a proposition for me, old friend," the Sleeper said in a low, smooth voice.

Aiden stared at the image. What was the Sleeper trying to get at? And why wasn't he attacking Boo?

"I am not your friend!" Boo protested.

"Details, details." The Sleeper laughed, a subtle, spine-tingling sound. "I know how long you've been seeking a release from your curse. And now that you've learned the Kalpavriksha in the Nandana Gardens is a lie, you seem to be out of options. So speak. And do not waste my time."

Boo's feathers fluffed around him, as though in shame. He closed his eyes. "The Pandava twins are being moved to the House of the Moon for safekeeping," he said. "I will loosen one of the carriage doors so you may take the one who can lead you to Kalpavriksha. If you don't wish to be followed, you must remove her celestial tracking device. But you must swear on whatever remains of your soul that you will not hurt her."

Horrible realization sent Aiden's heart crashing. Boo had betrayed them, abandoned them, so he could lift his curse.

The shadows in the vision stirred, drawing Aiden's attention again. "And in return?" the Sleeper inquired.

"In return," said Boo, lifting his head with more confidence, "you will share the Tree of Wishes with me should you find it."

The darkness paused and the Sleeper laughed at the center of his dark cloud. "Do you have such little faith in your charges, Subala?"

Boo puffed out again in indignation. "They are young but full of potential." His feathers lowered again, more quickly. "Still...I do not know that they can succeed. And I would not lose the chance of regaining my true form, for only then I can protect them from you."

The vision abruptly cut to Aru, still kneeling in the grove. She shook uncontrollably, tears coursing down her face. Her face had turned chalky. She looked like someone had yanked the world out from under her feet. The sight made Aiden's heart twist. He'd never seen Aru look so lost.

The vision blurred into nothing. Aiden stared at the amber bead in his hands. He felt nausea churning in his stomach, as well as something harder, something bitter. Anger. He looked at his friends.

He'd never seen Mini so angry. Her face was pale and her knuckles had turned white on the blanket. Brynne's face was a mask of shock and rage. Sheela looked appalled, a contrast to her usual neutrality. And Nikita...Her expression was so flat it was scary. Aiden could sense her emotions roiling inside her like an ocean. Long thorns grew out of her vine bracelets until they were as sharp as spear points. Her icy eyes could have been arrowheads.

But Aru was the only person Aiden truly focused on. She rested her head on her knees, wrapping her arms around herself like she'd fall apart if she let go. Her shell had cracked at last, unable to withstand the betrayals she'd seen. Her eyes pooled with tears. She didn't look angry anymore, or even sad. She looked exhausted. Defeated. Aiden felt tears of his own fall.

Mini was the first to move over to Aru, hugging her tightly. Then Brynne, and Aiden, and even the twins joined in, although by that point there was barely any room on the bed.

Aru's mouth softened. "I love you guys," she whispered. Some of that old fire he loved sparked in her eyes. She straightened a little. "We can't tell the Council."

"No," Brynne agreed. She twisted Gogo, in the form of a choker on her throat. Her face hardened. "We'll have to confront him ourselves."

"How do we capture him?" Nikita asked, lifting her chin.

"We have the advantage," Aiden said. "We know his secret. He thinks we still trust him." The seeds of a strategy began to sprout in his head. "I think I might have a plan. But I need your help. And for it to work, you guys need to act normal."

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