Chapter 2

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"I can't wait to see the restaurant. I bet it's going to be amazing." Wakana smiled. "I've been waiting for this for a really long time." Tiana smiled to her new friends as she led the way with her money ready to give to pay for her dream restaurant. "Those beignets tasted like a fairytale. They should be the restaurant's special dish." Otoha smiled. "I'll see what I can do." Tiana giggled. "Okay, give me just one moment." she said as they went in front of an old and abandoned sugar mill that was owned by the Fenner Brothers and she had to go speak with the men about buying the place so she could have her own cooking business. "This is the restaurant that she's going to own soon?" Wakana asked. "Looks like it" said Otoha. "An old sugar mill?" Bell nearly rolled her eyes. "Well, I guess it'll look better once she pays the guys." Eventually, Tiana came back outside with a very tall and thin man with a very short and fat man so they could remove their sign. "Everything looks peachy-keen, Mr. Fenner," Tiana said as the brothers lifted the sign and went off to dispose of it. "And Mr. Fenner." "We'll have all the paperwork ready to sign, first thing after Mardi Gras." the thin Mr. Fenner told her as the future restaurant owner was on her way inside. "After?" Wakana whispered. "Why don't they just sign the papers at the masquerade ball?" "It's the biggest night of the year. Everybody's too busy celebrating." Bell told her. Tiana walked back over to them. "I got them to sign at the ball." "Oh, that was convenient." Otoha whispered. Tiana smiled as she felt like her dreams were coming true.

"Table for one, please." a familiar female voice to Tiana said. "Who said that?" Otoha asked. "Oh, Mama!" Tiana turned and noticed an older woman with graying hair coming over with a pot wrapped in a red ribbon. "Here's a little something to help you get started." Eudora lifted up the pot with a warm smile. "Oh, Daddy's gumbo pot." Tiana put a hand over her heart with a smile. Then she went over and hugged Eudora tightly. "I know" Eudora patted her grown daughter's back and broke out of the hug gently. "I miss him, too." Tiana sniffled and wiped an eye as she was remembering her father. "I'm sorry, Tiana, did your father pass on?" Bell asked. "He did. But it's alright." Tiana assured her. "He must've been a great man and a great father." said Otoha. "He sure was..." Tiana took a shallow breath. "Well, now," Eudora changed the subject. "Hurry up and open the door!" "Just look at it, Mom," Tiana opened the doors and showed what looked like a large, abandoned shack and birds scattered from the broken roof top. "Doesn't it just wanna make you cry?" Eudora took a look and lowly replied so she wouldn't hurt her daughter's feelings. "Yes..." "What do you guys think?" Tiana asked the girls. "Um, well, it sure looks like it could use some sprucing up." Bell said. "The matrix'd is going to be right where you're standing," Tiana started planning as she took off her jacket and hat, going by a broom where the stairs were. "Oh! And over here, a gourmet kitchen! And hanging from the ceiling, a big, old, crystal chandelier!" "You're your daddy's daughter alright," Eudora chuckled, walking over. "He used to go on and on about this old sugar mill too. Baby cakes, I'm sure this place is going to be just wonderful, but it's a shame you're working so hard." "But how can I let up now when I'm so close?" Tiana asked as she started sweeping. "I gotta make sure all Daddy's hard work means something." "But he did have love and that's more important." Wakana smiled. Bell and Otoha smiled softly to this.

"Tiana," Eudora set the gumbo pot down on a dusty, old stool. "Your Daddy might not have gotten the place he always wanted, but he had something better. He had love." she then stroked her daughter's face with her hand. "And that's all I want for you, sweetheart, meet your Prince Charming and dance off into your happily ever after." 

"Mama, I don't have time for dancing!" Tiana chuckled as she was about to sing. "That's just gonna have to wait a while~" "How long we talkin' about here?" Eudora asked. "Ain't got time for messin' around~" Tiana sang as she continued. "And it's not my style." "I want some grandkids!" Eudora put her hands on her hips as she sat at one of the tables. "Yeah, I don't think she can possibly wait forever." Wakana added in. Tiana was still determined to work hard so she could get what she wanted and she insisted that she was almost there. "Maybe we can help out." Bell said. "I just don't want the poor dear to work herself to death." Eudora whispered. "She won't, we assure you." Bell assured her. They all started to clean up and at least get rid of the clutter and debris from the mess that came with the sugar mill that would become Tiana's place in the near future. "How come no one has ever cleaned this place?" Otoha asked. "It's been abandoned for a long time" Eudora explained. "Tiana's father wanted to buy it, but we could never afford it." "Oh, my..." Otoha frowned. There was a lot to be done with the mill, but for right now, it just needed to be cleaning and there would be more work to do later, they still had a ball to go to tonight. "Now that we got some cleaning done, let's go get ready for the masquerade ball" said Bell. "Come on then." Tiana agreed as she shut the door of her new property. "I've never been to one before. I bet it's gonna be like a fairytale!" Otoha smiled. "I already know what I'm dressing up as" said Wakana.

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