Chapter 1

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Prism Stars Bell Renjoji, Otoha Takanashi, and Wakana Morizono, are all in the unit Bell Rose. They were the top students in the school for Prism Stars, Edel Rose. One day, they were called to the school supervisor, Hijiri Himuro's office. "I called you three here today because I have received an offer for you." Hijiri began. "The most powerful man in New Orleans, Eli La Bouff has requested that you three perform a Prism Show at the Mardi Gras carnival" "What's a Mardi Gras carnival?" asked Wakana. "Mardi Gras is a celebration period before the fasting season of the Christian period, Lent." Otoha explained. "I think I've heard it before, but I can't quite put my finger on where." Bell commented. "But still, the most powerful man in New Orleans wants us to perform a Prism Show?" "That's correct. He was looking for entertainment to add to this year's Mardi Gras, and he thought a Prism Show would be an opportunity to introduce the concept to the people of New Orleans." Hijiri explained. "With an offer like that, how can we refuse?" said Wakana. "I wonder what New Orleans is like. I can't wait!" Otoha said excitedly. "Tell the man that we accept his offer." said Bell. "Wonderful. I have scheduled a flight for you for tomorrow. Here are your plane tickets." Hijiri said, handing the girls their plane tickets. The girls thanked Hijiri and smiled at each other.

The next day, after a long flight from Japan, the girls arrived in New Orleans. It was nighttime, so the streets were lit up with lights from the street lamps. The girls checked into their hotel and unpacked in their hotel room. "Hey, Bell, do you think tomorrow we could explore the city? I want to see what it's like during the day" said Otoha. "Sure thing. We got a few days of free time until Mardi Gras." Bell replied. "Great!" said Otoha and Wakana in unison. Wakana opened the door to the balcony and looked up at the night sky. There was one star that was shining brightly. She closed her eyes and made a wish. "I wish for me and my friends to perform a successful Prism Show" Wakana whispered. She took one last look at the star before going back inside. After the girls finished unpacking, they all took showers, brushed their teeth, changed into their pajamas, and went to sleep. They had a big day of sightseeing ahead of them.

The weather in New Orleans was perfect the next day. Bell, Otoha, and Wakana walked through the streets looking at the sights. Everywhere they looked, there were musicians playing all sorts of jazz music. "Wow, this city is filled with people and jazz music!" said Wakana, amazed. "New Orleans is where jazz was born after all" said Bell. "Really?! I didn't know that!" said Otoha, surprised. "You two didn't do your research?" Bell asked. "Were we supposed to?" Wakana asked back. "No, but it's good to get some knowledge on your travel destination." Bell replied. "Guess you're right" said Wakana. "We'll do that next time" Otoha added with a nervous chuckle. After a long morning of exploring, Otoha's stomach started to growl. She quickly put her hands on it and grinned sheepishly. "Looks like someone's got a tummy rumbling" Wakana teased. "You know, I think it's time we all take a lunch break. I saw a diner a couple blocks back." Bell suggested. "Good idea, Bell" Wakana agreed. "Yeah, I'm hungry" added Otoha. So the girls went back the way they came to the diner Bell saw and they went inside.

A woman in a waitress uniform approached the trio. "Welcome to Duke's. May I have you at a table or a booth?" "Table please." Bell said. "Come right this way. My name is Tiana and I'll be your server today." the waitress led them to a table, giving them glasses of ice water to start out with and handed their menus. "Now, what will we drink?" Tiana asked as she took out her notepad. "Tea please" Bell requested. "Same for me." Otoha added. "I'll have some apple juice." said Wakana. "Sounds good" Tiana smiled, taking their drink orders. "I don't think I've seen y'all around here before." she said before going off to get their drinks. "We're here to perform a Prism Show for Mardi Gras." Wakana explained. "Are you now? I've never seen a Prism Show before, so I'm looking forward to it." said Tiana as she came back to their table with their drinks. "So, what would y'all like to eat now?" "These beignets look really good." Otoha said once she spotted them on the menu and they attracted her hunger and attention the most. "They're our best treat, for breakfast or any other meal of day." Tiana smiled. "Three plates of beignets please." Bell smiled. "You won't be sorry." Tiana smiled and went to get their orders. The three waited and wondered what the rest of their time in New Orleans would be like as everything seemed peaceful and friendly so far. Tiana apologized to Bell, Otoha, and Wakana for missing them at times, but it seemed busy in Duke's diner. She soon came to them with their orders and wished them happy eating. Then a big man came into the diner with a friendly smile.

"Um, excuse me, Tiana, but who is that man?" Otoha asked. "That's Eli La Bouff" Tiana quickly introduced. "He's my best friend Charlotte's daddy, he comes in here all the time." "Eli La Bouff. Eli La Bouff" Bell repeated to herself as she knew she heard that name somewhere before. "Oh! He's the man who requested us to perform" she told Wakana and Otoha. The man greeted Tiana and took his seat. "Congratulations on being voted king of Mardi Gras parade." Tiana told the man. "Caught me completely by surprise for the fifth year in a row." Eli chuckled. 'Whoa, fifth year in a row? He must be lucky.' Wakana thought to herself while eating the beignets on his plate. "Now, how's about I celebrate with-" Eli was about to request what he wanted to eat. "Beignets?" Tiana already came with the platter of the treats for him, already knowing he would want them. "Got a fresh batch just waiting for you." "Well, keep 'em coming 'til I pass out." The man took one of the beignets with a joking smile about what he just said as his mouth watered over the freshness and powdered sugar and he bit into one. Bell, Otoha, and Wakana did the same to see how good they tasted. Otoha moaned and squealed in delight, loving the beignets more than the others did. "I must say, Oto, I had no idea you liked beignets so much." Bell commented. "My dad often makes them for breakfast." Otoha replied. "I see. I had no idea they were so delicious." Wakana smiled.

"Oh, Tia!" Charlotte slammed the door open in her Sunday best and looked like she was bursting with energy. "Tia, Tia, Tia, did you hear the news?" the blonde young adult woman went all around the young, stressed, waitress. "Hey, Charlotte." Tiana greeted, sounding almost like she didn't care. "Tell her! "Charlotte sat beside her father. "Oh, tell her, Big Daddy!" Every time Eli tried to tell Tiana what was happening, Charlotte would keep bursting in due to her excitement being unable to be contained. Bell, Otoha, and Wakana overheard them and they found out Prince Naveen was coming into town and the La Bouff family had invited him to their masquerade ball and was staying at their house as their personal guest. "Oh, Lottie, that's swell" Tiana said as she got a new batch of beignets for the most important and rich man in town. "A little word of advice. My mother always said, 'the quickest way to a man's heart is his stomach'." She set the plate down for the La Bouffs. "Ah, that's it!" Charlotte swiped one treat just as her father was about to eat it and came to her best friend's side. "Oh, Tia, you're just a bona fide genius! I'm gonna need about 500 of your man catching beignets for my ball tonight." Then she turned to the three girls. "And you three must be the Prism Stars Big Daddy told me about" "We are. We're Bell Rose. My name is Bell and this is Wakana and Otoha." Bell introduced. "Well, it's a pleasure to finally meet you lovely ladies" Eli said as she shook the girls' hands.

Then Otoha approached Tiana after cleaning her face from the powder and gave the waitress twenty dollars. "Oh, thanks a bunch!" Tiana was surprised at the money, it seemed like an awful lot, this was a different time after all. "Would you like change?" "It's on me." Bell insisted. "Excuse me, Daddy" Charlotte took her father's wallet and took out more money. "Here, Tia, will this help cover it?" "This should cover it just fine, Lottie" Tiana smiled as she noticed how much money was given to her. "This is it! I'm getting my restaurant!" "Tonight, my prince is finally coming!" Charlotte gushed. "So, where's this restaurant of yours going to be?" Bell asked. "Would ya like to come?" Tiana offered. "Um, sure, why not?" Wakana shrugged. "And maybe tonight, we could all go to the masquerade ball" Otoha suggested. "Yay!" Charlotte squealed. "This day just keeps getting better and better!" The girls waved to Charlotte and Eli as they made their way out the door.

Bell Rose, The Princess, and The FrogTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon