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Antigua is the second stop on our cruise. Phoebe and I decide to spend the day visiting sites like Fort James and Fort Barrington National Park. We've spent time looking at the maps provided on the ship for all the stops so we wouldn't have to spend money on the extra data charges by using our phones.

There was a text from Damien when I woke up, hoping that we could meet somewhere on the island. The forbidden aspect of it all made it all that more exciting, even Phoebe thought so. That voice in my head saying it is a bad idea has turned to more of a whisper than a shouting like in the beginning. The thought of kissing him on a white sandy beach surrounded by crystal clear water and a bright blue sky above us has my stomach creating even more butterflies.

"Of course, you should meet up with him," Phoebe says as we start to disembark at the harbor with the rest of the ship.

"But I came here with you to see all these sights with you."

She waves a hand dismissively. "Oh please. I'll be fine. I know Victoria is eager to meet up again, so I'll be more than fine as you head off to meet your forbidden lover."

"As long as you don't have sex in our cabin again."

The weather is as clear and beautiful as it were on St. Maarten, so we lather ourselves with sun lotion before setting off for our first adventure. The cruise ship is docked in Saint John's, the capital of Antigua and Barbuda and as we disembark, I look around and it looks as gorgeous as expected.

We saw Fort James as we passed it on our way into the bay, which we want to explore further, but we also want to go to the opposite side of the bay, to Five Islands and check out all the beaches there as well as the Fort Barrington National Park. We've tried to make time for both, but with the tight schedule of a cruise ship I don't think there's enough time to do both. So, seeing as we've already seen some of Fort James, we decide to focus on Five Islands.

There are bicycles to rent near the cruise docks, so we head there first. Phoebe is smiling from ear to ear, which I find slightly unnerving.

"Oh, the rental place is over there," she says and points to our left. As we get closer, I spot a mass of red hair and immediately flush as I recall last night's happenings.

"Oh look, isn't that Victoria?" I ask and start to suspect something is up. "How random to run into her here."

"Hi guys," Victoria greets us, with a hug and kiss for Phoebe and a slightly awkward half-hug for me.

Victoria beams at Phoebe. "I've rented two bikes for the day for us."

I blink. Wait.

"Just two?" I ask, looking at them both.

"Yeah, you have other plans," Phoebe smirks and hands me a piece of paper. On it is an address as well as a little hand-drawn map with directions.

Phoebe hugs me tight. "Have an amazing day, my girl."

The butterflies are in full effect as I watch Phoebe and Victoria bike away and I take another look at the map. I head off towards Corn Alley, a few blocks away from the dock. Many of the houses around me are colorful, painted in shades of mint green, red and orange. This early in the day the heat isn't too bad, but the sky is clear, and the sun is bright and warm.

When I turn the corner onto Corn Alley I stop at the sight before me. Across the street is Damien, grinning from ear to ear and with two bicycles. He's in a casual white t-shirt and blue patterned swim shorts.

"You made it."

"You plotted with Phoebe. You have stolen my best friend and brought her to the dark side."

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