James Had an Idea (that's a first)

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James II POV

I was asleep and dreaming when I had come up with a brilliant idea. I woke to a start and looked around the room. I saw Al snoring his head off and dad looking dead (he looked like he was not breathing or moving), don't worry I checked, he's alive. However, Ron and Hugo were missing. I didn't think much about it though. Then I blacked out for no reason, that's weird.

"Oi, wake up," I heard the irritating whine of the one and only Al. The son of the... wait, I must keep this PG-rated, I am sorry readers.

"Hey, I'm awake so please shut up. Thank-you." I said just getting up from the bed. I playfully punched him before getting changed.

I walked downstairs after Al to see everyone else eating breakfast.

"It came to me," I announced to the room. Everyone turned to stare at me questionably.

"Last night, as I was dreaming, I propose..." everyone continue to stare at me in silence

"A, drumroll please..." The Golden Marauders, remaining Marauders and the Twins + Ginny started to drumroll.

"A PRANK WAR," I shouted.

Everyone who drumroll cheered and agreed.

"What about a prank war," Grandma asked.

"Nothing Molly," Uncle Sirius said (he insisted that I called him that).

He turned to the rest of us, "I'll ref because Remus isn't here, and I am the most responsible here, after Hermione." To which she put the finger up at him.

"But that wouldn't work as there is 19 of us," Molly stated.

"How about 5 teams, 4 with 4 members, 1 team with 3 people," Roxy replied.

"That will work. I can write out numbers and put it into a hat. We can each draw numbers and whatever number you choose it the one you match with your team, so does that make sense," Uncle Ron said.

Everyone nodded. Aunty Hermione, after stating that she didn't want to be apart of this ( which she was forced to) wrote down the numbers of 1-5 on 19 pieces of paper. I may have secretly charmed the papers so that I can choose which team everyone is in as I 'sneezed'. And there is a certain reason to why I 'sneezed'.

The teams included:

Team 1: Uncle Ron, Uncle Fred, Uncle George and Aunty Hermione (hehehe)

Team 2: Hugo, Rose, Mum and Louis

Team 3: Dad, myself, Al and Lil (see what I did there)

Team 4: Fred II, Roxy, Dom and Lucy

Team 5: Teddy, Molly and Victoire

Then we all got into a huddle.

I walked over to dad and my younger siblings and in a low voice, I said "Great my spell worked, and I think this group is a good idea as we can all speak Parseltongue and we can communicate without anyone knowing, so any ideas.

Hermione POV

I hate the fact I was pulled into this stupid game. I would much rather read a thrilling book. But the eyes that Ron gave me, begging me to do so. I couldn't say no.

"So, what are we going to do," Ron asked as we moved over to the Twins I.

"Don't worry Ronikins and Hermy, we have many ideas." Fred and George whispered so that no one else would know.

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