Deerly Potter's

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Ginny POV

The eldest Potter stood forward and said,

"And last but most importantly not least, me and my younger siblings."

"I am the amazing James Sirius Potter and I take pride in following the way of the marauders, 2 of which I am named after. I am 14 and about to begin my 4th year of Hogwarts. I am in the best of house of Gryffindor, as any Potter should be," A replica of Harry stuck his tongue out. I guess he isn't in Gryffindor.

I turned my attention back to James. I noticed his eyes. They weren't James Potter l, they were mine. Sure, I and Harry are currently dating (without anyone knowing but my Parents, Remus and Sirius) but we haven't talked about the future.

"I am a golden Marauder. As Freddy stated before, we have more detentions combined then the original Marauders and the 1st Weasley twins. I am also Captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team and play chaser, like my mother. She plays Chaser on the Holyhead Harpies."

I smiled. I marry Harry and play for my favourite quidditch team. Hermione -who was standing next to me- saw me inwardly smiled and realised the same thing I realised before. I am their mother.

"Harry is a dead man," Hermione muttered to me so that only I could hear.

"Why?" I replied in the same tone.

"You know how protective your brothers are of you," Hermione stated.

"Oh yeah. He is going to be a dead man."

"Ok next," James stated, pulling the replica of Harry to the front.

"Um, hi. My names are Albus Fredrick Remus Potter. I am 12 years old and going into my second year of Hogwarts. Don't go crazy, but I am in Slytherin." This caused a riot. The Weasleys shouting no way. Harry looking at his son with sorrow for the way everyone is reacting. Weird I thought Harry would shout with the Weasley twins plus Bill. Ron shouting how Slytherin is evil and Sirius shouting how did this happen to a line of pure Gryffindor's.

"Shut it" A small girl from behind James shouted.

"Yes, I am in Slytherin, and for your information, my father was nearly put in Slytherin so stop yelling. Oops, sorry, dad." Albus stated calmly looking at his father.

"No, it's ok. It was going to come out soon." Harry said shrugging. This shut everyone up.

"Hang on. Harry, you were going to be sorted into Slytherin." Sirius asked curiously.

"Yes, now can we continue. Thank-you" Harry stated, finalising the conversation. Everyone was still in shock. Except for Dumbledore, who obviously knew this fact, cause he's Dumbledore.

"Yes, let's continue and thank-you Harry for naming your son after myself, Sirius, Fred and Remus." The others thanked Harry, forgetting about the Slytherin conversation.

"I play chaser, again like my mother and I am a part of the Bronze Trio with Rose and that's me done," Albus said grabbing a hold of a little redhaired girl's hand and moving her to the front.

I saw Harry have one look at her. Then he looked at me and I nodded as if answering his question. He looked to Ron beside him and then moved closer to Sirius, who was closer to the exit. I saw mum and dad looking at Harry in happiness and then at me. I guess myself, Harry, Hermione mum, dad and probably Dumbledore and McGonagall knew. I thought this because Dumbledore and McGonagall because they were talking to each other looking at Harry and me.

"Hello, I am Lily Luna Ruby Potter and I am, how old am I, Jamie?" She asked

"You are 7 Lily Pily" James replied in a different tone to how he spoke to us. It was very soft.

Yes, that's right. I'm 7 years old. I am not going to Hoggy Warts yet, but mummy and daddy said that I could be in any house. I am just not Hufflepuff. That house is weird. They are too nice, and no one can be that nice. Apparently, I am smart so maybe Ravenclaw, ambitious so maybe Slytherin but I reckon I am Gryffindor because apparently according to daddy I am very brave and courageous. I am a Golden Marauder and I play seeker in the Weasley-Potter and Lupin monthly game of quidditch. According to Minnie, I already have a place on any Hoggy Warts quidditch team when I first arrive at the school after she came to watch one round. I am apparently better than daddy and that's something." Everyone was absolutely cooed by her.

"Don't worry she is a demon at home. Only Dad can control her as she is a daddy's girl. I'm surprised she hasn't attached herself to his side." James said smirking at her. This earnt him a hard kick in the shines. He yelled in shock and started hobbling in pain.

"Did we also mention that she has both our parents temper, that is one storm. Ok, you obviously know who our dad is. Harry. Now it's time to guess the mother" Albus said.

Sirius POV

"How old is she?" Tonks asked

"She is currently 14 I think," James said.

"I have an unrelated question, what is Harry's career?" McGonagall asked.

"He is Head Auror in the Ministry" Albus this time answered.

"Also, unrelated, who are your godparents?" Ron asked.

"Mine is Uncle Ron and Aunty Hermione, Albus's is Neville and Luna and Lily's is Uncle Charlie and Minnie," James stated.

"Who is Minnie?" Bill asked

"Minnie is a nickname the Marauders gave Professor McGonagall," Myself and Remus said while laughing our heads off that the nickname has come back into use.

"Thank-you Harry and the mother for allowing me the privilege to be your daughters' Godmother" Minnie stated.

"Yeah, thanks mate," Ron and Hermione said hugging Harry. Then I saw Hermione hug Ginny. Odd. 

Hang on, I look at Lily.

It clicked. I thought Lily ll looked like Lily l, but now she is like Ginny.

I turned to Harry and whispered "Now I know why you are near the door. So, you can run from the Weasley brothers when they find out."

"Yeah, I don't feel like being killed today."

"What's the Potter type?" George asked wiggling his eyebrows at Harry, who just blushed.

"Oh, I can answer that one," I told the room. Everyone looked at me weirdly. "It's fiery redheads. Anyone one in this room that matches this description."

Everyone thought for a second, until everyone whipped their heads towards Ginny, shouting out her name. All the Weasley boys turned to Harry with furious looks. Harry, in my opinion, made a brilliant decision and chose to run out of the room. The Weasley brothers yelled and ran after him.

"If anyone asks, I am not here. Please continue." Said a voice from nowhere 5 minutes later.

"Harry are you under the invisibility cloak?" Hermione asked

"Maybe," Harry said from somewhere.

"Well, that is a way to get away from the Weasley's!" James ll said laughing at his father's misfortune.

"The git got away," Ron said as the Weasley brothers fell back into the room.

"Ok, because Harry has children," with this statement Bill growled, Dumbledore continued" it has led to my hypothesis that Voldemort is defeated, and I would like to know if my theory is correct and who dies..."


Thanks for reading another chapter!

The next chapter will be published sometime next week as I am going on a camping trip.

1219 Words.



Published on the 4th of July 2020.

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