the first time Carter calls her mom

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"I'm sorry. I know this is really sudden, but I promise I won't be long!" You told Taylor as you pulled your shoes on as quickly as you could.

You looked over at Carter who sat on the couch eating a snack and watching cartoons. Although you've been with Taylor for almost five months now and Carter has become really close to her, it's the first time it'll be just the two of them for more than a short trip to the grocery store or out for ice cream or to the park like they've done before.

Your boss called, short-staffed, and begging for you to come in, even though it's the first of your next couple of days away from work. But when he promised to pay you even more than your usual shift gives you, you couldn't say no.

"Y/N." Taylor chuckled as she put her hands on your arms. "We're gonna be just fine. His bedtime is in two hours and you'll be home in three. We'll just watch cartoons till then!" She grinned. "We won't burn the house down. Promise."

She turned to Carter and giggled when she heard the infectious laugh fall from his lips. "Right, Carter? We get along great!"

He nodded excitedly, showing all of his teeth as he giggled happily and went back to eating his snack. While only four, he sure was the happiest little boy you'd ever seen and you know he'd never complain about getting some quality time with Taylor.

"Okay." You said and then kissed Taylor softly. "Love you. And I love you lots, Carter! You be good. I'll be home soon after you go to bed and I'll say goodnight to you when I get home."

He nodded and waved goodbye as you grabbed your jacket and headed out the door.

Taylor turned to Carter and plopped down beside him. "So. Just the two of us for a couple of hours. You have two hours until bedtime. What should we do?"

She should've seen it coming; the answer he gave her.

"Toy story!"

His favorite film. He'd watch it all day every day if he could. Taylor's seen it so many times she's certain that she knows every line by heart. Just like she knows every line of monsters inc and the Incredibles.

But she could never say no. Not when he gives her those big eyes and that bright smile.

She booped his nose playfully and he giggled. She quickly turned on the movie and leaned back to watch it.

The movie had only about twenty minutes remaining when she felt his head fall on her side. She found herself quite amused by the movie, but what she saw with Carter made her even happier.

She reached for the remote and slowly got up from the sofa. "Come here, little buddy." She whispered as she carefully lifted him from the sofa and into her arms. "Let's get you to bed." She said and brushed her fingers through a few locks of his short messy hair.

She climbed the stairs slowly and he didn't stir even once.

She didn't flip his bedroom light on. Instead, she flipped the switch of his blue lamp; blue, for his favorite color.

She slowly laid him down in bed. Since he was already cozy in his pajamas she didn't have anything to do but to tuck him in.

But his eyes opened before she got the chance.

"Sleepy?" She checked and watched him rub his eyes and yawn tiredly. "I can tell. I'm gonna go downstairs and wait for your mom to come home. She'll be in to tell you goodnight in a bit."

He shook his head and reached for her hand in his tiny one. "Song!"

"Another one?" She playfully scoffed before giving him a kiss on his forehead with a chuckle. "Okay. Close your eyes."

She watched his eyes slip shut and she started to sing softly.

"Clear blue water, high tide came and brought you in." She sang softly and watched his eyelashes flutter against his cheeks. She was almost certain he had fallen asleep a few moments, and one more song, later. So she kissed his forehead softly and turned off his light.

"Goodnight, Carter. Sleep tight. Have sweet dreams. I love you."

She tiptoed to the door and just as she was about to step out of the room, she heard,

"Love you too, mommy,"

She froze. She felt like crying. Her heart felt so full of love and happiness it almost burst from her chest. She couldn't help but grin from ear to ear. She's had a lot of wonderful moments take place in her life but this was the most incredible of them all.

She sniffled as she walked out the door. She closed it a crack then snuck across the hall to your room where she squealed happily and shed a couple of tears, all while smiling bigger and brighter than ever before.


She heard your voice from the doorway and when she opened her eyes she saw you making your way to her. Although her vision was blurry because of the tears in her eyes, her smile was huge and her heart was happy.

"Did something happen?"

"Yes. Something... amazing." She chuckled. "Carter called me mommy."

She heard you gasp and watched your eyes light up. You laid your hand over hers and said, "It's an incredible feeling, right?"

She nodded her head quickly and melted when you kissed her lips.

"Now where's my little lovebug? In bed?"

"Yep. Sound asleep, after I sang him to sleep."

"Never grow up?" You guessed to which she shook her head.

"Try this love and Superman."

You shook your head with a giggle, knowing that those are his favorites.

You tiptoed across the hall and Taylor did the same. But she just stood in the doorway; watching the precious sight in front of her eyes. Watching as Carter woke up and gave you a sleepy smile. You told him goodnight and kissed his head and hummed softly to get him back to sleep.

She thanked the universe for giving her such a beautiful family.

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