ꕥ Chapter Six

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Jeno clings on to Renjun's leg who was putting his suitcase in the car, "Jeno, it's okay, you'll be fine." The fox reassured patting his fellow hybrid friend's white hair.

The cat whined, "nooo~" he pouted as Renjun knelt down to his level and scratched his ears which were flat on his head. "Y-you're leaving me," he stammers, his eyes glistening with tears.

Renjun sighed, "we're not leaving you kitty," he protested with a gentle tone, "we're just moving to another house a few blocks away, we'll visit when we can okay?" He said and caressed the hybrid's tail.

Jeno juts his lower lip out as Haechan approached them, "you'll be fine kitty, we'll call and visit okay? Jaemin will take care of you," he said and squished the hybrid's cheeks.

The cat hybrid begins to shake, "a-alpha ha-hates ki-kitty," he said as tears streamed down his cheeks. Renjun sighed and hugged him while caressing his white tail.

"I'm sure he'll warm up to you, Jaemin is just a grumpy dog," Haechan said trying to lift the mood up. Jeno sniffles and wipes his tears, "besides, who could ever hate kitty? Kitty is cute," the beta said as he pecked the hybrid's forehead.

Renjun hummed, "that's right, Jeno is a loveable kitty," he pinched the hybrid's cheeks as the latter only hiccups.

Haechan helps to wipe the hybrid's tears with his handkerchief. Jeno sniffles as Renjun loads the last few bags and suitcases in Haechan's car, Jaemin came out of the house to help the fox hybrid as well.

Once everything was loaded, Renjun and Haechan bids farewell to Jaemin and gave each other a friendly hug. Jeno just sat there on the dirty ground in the front yard with a pout and his legs apart.

The fox hybrid gave him a hug with Haechan doing the same after, Jeno just sniffled and let out a few hiccups as they got in the vehicle.

Renjun looks at Jaemin and puts on his seatbelt, "you better take care of him Jaem, I'm being serious," he said sternly as the said boy rolled his eyes and nodded reluctantly.

They waved goodbye as Haechan started the car and drove off to their new house. Once they were out of sight, Jaemin turns to the cat hybrid who's still crying on the floor.

He rolled his eyes, "get up and get inside or I won't hesitate to leave you here alone," he mutters as Jeno wiped his tears away and slowly got up with wobbly legs.

Jaemin went ahead leaving Jeno behind, he was about to open the door until he heard a low yowl from the back. He turns around and sees the cat hybrid sobbing as he holds his knee that was slightly bleeding.

The werewolf groans and walks over, he looks at the hybrid who's yowling in pain as he tried to stop the bleeding. "Get up," Jaemin demands.

Jeno looked up at him as tears were streaming down his cheeks as he tried to stand up but failed and fell back on his butt with a cry of pain, "j-jeno ca-can't." He stutters

Jaemin clicked his tongue and saw the sky getting dark as clouds were turning grey, he grumbles and crouches down before picking Jeno up bridal style.

The hybrid yelps and clings on to his shirt as he walks in the house and locks the door. Jaemin heads towards Jeno's room and tosses the boy on his bed once they arrived.

The werewolf took a first aid kit and throws it on the bed near Jeno's foot, "clean up," he said and walks out of the room.

Jeno hiccups as he slowly opens the first aid kit and holds his knee while he looks at the things in it not knowing what to do since he's not in the right state of mind.

He slowly takes the alcohol and opens it as he tilts the bottle to pour it on his wound, the door opens ajar making him drop the alcohol but unfortunately got a few droplets of it on his wound.

He wails and bites his lip, he covers the wound as if it'll help. Jaemin scoffs and walks over to him yanking his hands away to expose the injury.

Jeno whimpers as the alpha knelt down on the floor with one knee and dabs a warm cloth on his wound to clean it, "dumb fucking cat," Jaemin mutters making the hybrid pout.

Jaemin takes the alcohol and puts it back on the first aid kit before getting a bottle of petroleum jelly. He carefully puts it on Jeno's wound as the hybrid bites his nails.

Once he's finish, Jaemin grabs a bandaid and was about to place it on the wound until Jeno stopped him, "k-kitty want that one," he mumbles with a little lisp and points at the various designs of bandaids but specifically at the one with yarns on it.

Jaemin rolled his eyes and exchanged the normal looking plain one with the one with yarns on it, he places it on Jeno's wound as he arranged the stuff.

Jeno grabs his wrist when he turned around and was about to leave, he raised a brow as the hybrid pointed on his now clean wound, "a-alpha needs to kiss it better," he stutters.

The werewolf scoffed and yanked his wrist away from Jeno's loose grip, "I don't need to fucking kiss it better, just stay away," he growled and left the room slamming the door shut.

Jeno sat there and hugs his knees as he looked around, he spots his mouse plushie and takes it into his arms. There was still a bit of catnip on it from yesterday.

He takes a sniff and smiles as his pupils dilate and starts playing with the plushie, he begins to drool as he makes a mess on his once neat bed while playing. But he doesn't care, he doesn't even have a clue what's he's doing right now anyways.

The once in pain cat hybrid was now playful, perhaps there was still a lot of catnip on the plushie. Too late now though, he already took a sniff and is now high as he turns into his cat form.

The cat hybrid plays for nearly all day and making a mess in his room, falling down on the floor as he tosses the plushie around and biting on it. He may have injured himself a bit when he fell off the bookshelf.

Meanwhile, when Jeno was in his room high out of his mind. Jaemin was at the living room doing his paperwork, he hears a few thuds and low meows from upstairs. All he could do was mutter some insults and roll his eyes in annoyance.

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