Chapter six

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I hope you are prepared for this


It had been two months since Katya and Bianca had pulled Trixie out of the fountain. Katya tried to limit the time she spent around Trixie still, despite really not wanting to. She would obviously still help her if she was tripped or pushed and would make sure she was ok, but that was it. She still didn't know why Trixie didn't want her around, but she was learning to cope with that. That didn't mean she didn't still wish things could be different, she didn't know what it was about Trixie but she wanted to protect her from the world.

"So has anyone asked you to the Halloween dance?" Violet asked, looking over at Katya. All of their friends had gathered in their room, studying and talking. "Yeah, but I don't really want to go with anyone," she replied, she wasn't officially out to any of her friends yet and she had no intention of changing that, she knew Bianca and Adore had been accepted, but she wasn't sure if she would be as well. "What? But I thought you really like Jake, I heard he asked you the other day," Violet continued, sounding confused. "He's just not really my type," she said keeping her eyes fixed on the paper in front of her. "Well what is your type then," Adore added, "I haven't heard you talk about anyone while you've been here," Katya looked uncomfortable, clearly not liking the conversation, "I'm just not really that close to any of them." She said, hoping to put an end to the conversation, "That's exactly why you should go with Jake, it's the perfect opportunity." Adore said, not realising how awkward Katya felt. "I just don't want to, ok?" She snapped, finally looking up from her work. They all stared at her for a minute, before mumbling a series of 'ok's' and continuing with their work. The room was left in an awkward silence and Katya immediately felt guilty for snapping at them, "I'm sorry, ok, I'm just not interested in dating anyone at the minute." It wasn't a complete lie, she just didn't want to date any of the people they thought she would want to date. "That's fine," said Violet, rather coldly. "Who are you going with?" Katya said, trying to restart a conversation, "Oh, Justin asked me the other day, so I'm going with him, I'm assuming you two are going together?" she asked, glancing at Adore and Bianca. Their conversation continued but Katya didn't really pay much attention. She didn't really want to go to the dance anyway, she knew Trixie probably wouldn't. She stopped writing then, feeling guilty for assuming that, but knowing that she really wasn't the type of person to want to go to a party.

"Some of the seniors are holding an after party in the woods, there's going to be music, food and alcohol, can we go?," Adore said, looking hopefully at Bianca. "How are they getting alcohol?" She questioned. "One of them has a fake ID probably, please?" Adore continued, looking at Bianca with puppy dog eyes. "If the others want to sure, you guys in?" They all nodded and Katya reluctantly agreed, she probably would be going to the Halloween dance then.


It was Saturday and Katya was working in the library. The students were given the option to work on campus and she figured this would be an ok way to spend her free time. She chose the library because it seemed like it would be the easiest position, no-one would want Katya to work in the kitchen, she would burn the place down. But the library was quiet and harmless, so there she was sorting through the books and placing them back on the shelves. It was her first day working and she was surprisingly enjoying looking at all of the covers and descriptions as she returned them to the shelves. The only thing she didn't like was the silence. She felt like people were glaring at her with every noise, when in reality no-one even noticed it.

She walked to the end of the aisle to pick up her next stack of books, when she noticed Trixie stamping books at a table. She glanced around the room quickly before walking towards her. Trixie was listening to music through her airpods, swaying her hips in time to the tune. Katya didn't want to scare Trixie, but she really didn't know how to get her attention. She stood there for a minute watching Trixie dance to her music, until she turned around to place a book on the cart. She noticed Katya and jumped, dropping the book and taking a step back, startled. "Sorry," Katya said, reaching down to pick up the book as Trixie took out her airpods. Her cheeks were now a light shade of pink and Katya nearly died because of how adorable it looked. "I didn't mean to scare you," she said handing the book back to Trixie, she reached out and took it, their hands making contact, "It's ok," she said staring directly into Katya's eyes for a second before pulling the book away and going back to her work.

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