Eight: Blood Love

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I hate how much I enjoyed drinking every drop of the blood that had gushed out of Logan's throat earlier. His body has stopped convulsing a minute ago. His skin is pale and cold but his chest still rises with every soft breath he takes. He lives, for now. 

Waiting doesn't cause you any physical pain and yet it's so terribly unbearable as it gnaws away at your bones from inside out. That's how I feel now, waiting to see if my love will live or die. I hug his head that's  resting on my lap. My fingers stroke his dark hair. I wipe beads of sweat from his forehead. I kiss and lick the blood stains away from his face. His scar tickles my tongue. 

I've yearned for so long to have Logan in my arms. To feel his bare flesh against mine. To make love to him when the eyes of Nevaeh sleep. I'd imagine that our first time would be on a sandy beach. The moon and stars would be our audience.

Others my age do not wait to indulge in wanton acts. Most are sexually active by the time they're thirteen. Our lives are short. Why wait to play with other warm bodies?

Unlike most others, I've waited, keeping this body pure as I reproached others for their unwanted advances. I seldom enjoy the attention of lusty young men, some fellow Collectors, many Hunters. You'd be surprised that many of my pursuers have also been Scientists. Few are celibate and asexual like our Scientist friend, Mobley.

Two older women had also been intersted in taking me as their lover. I've done... some things with one of them but nothing serious.

Everything serious, I've wanted to do with Logan, ever since I've discovered what pleasures many parts of my body could bring me when touched in certain ways. Ways that I've always wanted Logan to touch me.

But he chose another lover. Why, Logan? I blame myself for not having made it clearer to him that I've always wanted to be more than his Scouting partner. 

"I want to be so much more to you, Logan."

Now, I might never have that chance. I hug him tighter and pray. To whom though? In a world so gone like this, even the Devil doesn't exist. Who'd want a dying wasteland full of monsters and violent humans?

"Please live, love..."

Logan's breathing becomes lighter. And lighter. And lighter. Blood tears roll down my cheeks. Pain, unspeakable pain, eats away at me. I hear echoes coming from the walls of this building. Creaking on the stairs.

We're not alone. Sleepers? 

Can't be. Too quiet. Sneaking. Shadowy. 


"Show yourself," I demand. 


Note: All my Wattpad works are unedited.

Maid for Me Update SOON. New FANTASY-ROMANCE Story Chapter One Available: Heart Wings

Kat's Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/3342372.Kat_Lieu

Kat's Amazon page: http://www.amazon.com/Kat-Lieu/e/B003U1T7SC 

LolitaWolfy drew the awesome pic of Jenna Moonlight 

Kat's webpage: http://www.nummyz.com

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2015 ⏰

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