First steps

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Yuki took great pride in being your big brother from day 1, Ayame would often find him in your room watching you or in his rat form asleep on your pillow. Your bond to him was gross. Yuki was a monster, and Zodiacs didn't need comfort or freidnship but to Yuki it meant so much.

He took you with him everywhere as he would wheel you around in a small waggon since he couldn't hold you and you would happiky sit there ans let him. The bond you two shared was almost like the other was your life line, and in your case her was. Your mother only came into yell at you when you were crying and you never saw Ayame or your father so Yuki was all you knew. And you were all Yuki knew. He'd aways wanted a sibling who would love and accept him and you did. He got that when he got you.

You were one now, sitting on your mat in your room as you waited for yuki. It was winter which meant you and Yuki as naturally very sick children had to remain inside or you would fall ill immediately.

You saw white hair outside your door. You thought it was yuki and wondered why he hadn't walked in yet as the hair walked past. You tear up as you sniff. You try and crawl outside but it was hard on the cold wood floors. So you pick yourself up ans shakiky one by one wobble over to the door. One chubby foot after another and look at the figure as it turned around the corner.

"Y/N" Yuki gasps as the two year old boy stumbles over and looks at you standing with tears in your pretty purple eyes "hey whats wrong your walking?" Yuki says as he excitedly leads you back to your room.

Ayame who was hiding around the corner Tsks and walks pff flipping his hair. He had better things to do...


You and your twin brother did everything together, ate, slept, babled, played. Absolutely everything. It was also helpful that you two didn't transform when touched by eachother but sometimes your father (just to be cruel) would separate you both.

It never worked tho as it almost seemed like the cat spirit you were both posssed by drew you together. So hed walk in and you'd be hugging one another.

Of course when it came to your mother she simply seemed to fix everything with the word I love you. When you two would cry shed say I love you. When your father would grab you and you and kyo would be screaming shed say "its because I love you" then again you were both only 13 months old.

Today was another one of the days were you woke up in a room that wasn't yours without Kyo. You did your normal routine of escape the bed, crawl out of the room and crawl towards Kyo. It was then you heard something behind you.

You turn and see your outraged father running over. Zodiaxs mature father so your brain knew that was danger running to you. You turn your head back around and see Kyo as he was shakily wobbling over to you.

You copy him and shakiky stand as you two stumble towards eachother desperately. Kyo growls as he pulls you into him and you hiss. You both then burst into tears screaming when you felt your bodys breaking and re forming.

"Oh no" you mother says as she looks down at her children in the true form of the cat.


You had fully taken on the responsibility of raising Hara and loved every minuet of it. You were five years older so it made a difference. You could reach the food shelves for one. But Haru was practically joined ay your hip to tye point where people would stare at you funny when you walked around the estate with a sad calf in your arms.

People would make fun of Haru even tho he wss to young to understand he hated the attention and it always made him cry. You on the other hand as a 6 year old understood what they said just fine. They called Haru stupid, dumb, a laughing stock, all because he was born the ox. You would glare at them and kick them in the knee caps.

Adults of course would threaten to tell your parents but your mother didn't even know you or Haru were alive. And your dad was to busy to care. So their threats were empty.

You were currently teaching haru how to walk. He could already walk brilliantly in his human form. But as a cow it was a lot harder. His legs were like sticks and wobbly and he went from having two to four he had to balance on.

"Come on Haru" you smile arms wide open "come on you can do it'

Haru takes one shaky step after another. He would whine and shake looking at you but you would smile at the pouting calf. He fell more times than he wanted to. But he wanted that hug so bad!

Him being hard headed payed off as he charges into your arms and you laugh as he gently headbutts you and you smile picking him up squeezing him proudly.


Moti had only gotten worse and worse since Momiji was born. It was completely cruel. She would hide in her room all day ignoring you and Momiji. You didn't care. You decided the day she began to reject Momiji you hated your Moti.

It was hard work getting Momiji back to a good health, he slept with you so he didn't get cold he loved curling up on your pillow in his bunny form and having you drape your arm around him. His secound favorite was you crawl up your shirt and stick his small face amd paws outside, it was two cute.

You took care of him tho. bathed him, fed him, took him for walks, cleaned his coat, brushed his hair. Yoh were the best big sister, and in a way more a mother then your actual mother.

Today was walking lessons and you laughed as you held Momijis hands above his head to help keep him uo while he moved his little feet babbling on happily. You smile as you let go of his hands and he takes a few steps on his own begire falling on his face.

"Momiji" you gasp as you run over "you ok?"

The look of betrayal on the small 1 year opds face made you wanna cry as you scooped him uo hugging the shaking baby bunny.


Shigure was a great big brother, the two year age gap meant you guys weren't so alike Shigure couldn't do anything but weren't so far apart that he showed no interest in you. He would spend every waking moment with you if his parents let him. Most of the time they did since other wise they got a very angry puppy and a very sad Y/N.

Hed sleep at tge foot of your bed or on your floor as a dog just to be close to you, hed let you cuddle him when he was sad and he would cuddle you when he was sad.

Today you were leaning on his back trying to stand as he barked encouraging you. Your wobbily legs stand straight as you squeal and Shigure barks his tail wagging.

Shigure starts walking and you follow holding onto his tail as you both parade around happily you laughing as Shigure just listens with a sense of pride.


Hatori wasn't and absent sibling, he just wasn't always there. He had his own life two and things he needed to get done he wzs eight after all while you were only one. But when he was around he made use of every secound. You two would play for hours, do silly stupid little things.

Since hatori was a sea dragon, also know as a sea horse, and you were a bearded dragon, a lizard. You both had inherited the dragon zodiac just in different forms, so he could hug you all he wanted, and hug you he did. You two would spend hours cuddled together.

Your parents loved your cute little bond. They thought it was the cutest thing. So of course Hatori wasn't exactly surprised when he came home and found his mother with a camera, just curious.

He shut the door confused and then his eyes widen when he sees you waddling on two feet towards him with a huge baby grin on your face.

He laughs as he scoops you up hugging you as you squeal happily.

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