You were born / They see you for the first time / They were born

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When Yuki heard he was getting a baby sister, he was over joyed. At the same time tho he was fearful. He already knew Ayame didn't care about you in the slightest. But he wanted to be a good brother! You (like him) were born sick. So the first time he saw you you were a few weeks old.

He had snuck into your room when his mother was asleep. The two year old rat Zodiac peired down at his sleeping sibling. You had the same grey hair as he did. You had Ayame's pale fair skin, and your closed eyes he half hopped were silver like his.

He reaches a hand down and gasps when his wrist was ripped away and his mother drags him out. As soon as his touch was ripped away you started sobbing hysterically curling up and thrashing around as he fought you try and get back to you.

He swore that day, he'd be a big brother. Not an absent face in the crowd.


One cat being born would have been hard but when twins were born it was always devastating. Either one sibling was possessed or both and that was what had happened.

Your mother stairs at her two cuesed children. One with bright orange haie and the other with H/C locks a girl and a boy she decided to call Kyo and Y/N, both curled together like kittens.

She loved you. She promised she would love you and hide you from all the ugly in the world. Even eachother...


You smile down at the small baby in the cot, you were five and you were staieing at your baby brother with a goody grin. You were a big sister now. You picked him up and gasped as the small baby boy turns into a calf.

Your motger gasps covering her mouth as she glares at the animal that was your baby brother like he was dinner tonight and you glare back. Your mother had rejected you from day one. Of course she'd reject Hatsuharu as well. But you were gonna protect him. And raise him like your parents could never be fucked to raise you.


You cry as you hug your baby brother closer to your body the small bunny trembling. He was cold. And undernourished. Moti had rejected him and he was only a week old.

You were only 1 but your mind was older than that, you knew he was cursed. But he was still your baby brother, Moti didn't seem to care henwas dying but you refused to watch this. You couldn't as you cried hugging Momiji close wrapoing him in your Pjs with you for warmth.


Shigure smiles as he was happily wrapped around you his tail wagging as you chewed on his ear. You were his baby sister you were only two years younger than him but his parents laughed at how possessive and protective he was.

His dog influence seemed to take over as he even would occasionally snarl at his parents when you were with him. You were his pack mate, his little Y/N puppy, even the he was the dog and transformed when ever you touched him he started to wonder if you did it on purpose to see his dog form.

He glares at his parents as they picked you up and walk away you whimpering and reaching for him. He wouod protect you, he didn't care who he had to hurt or offend!


Hatori pokes your sleeping face and smiles as your nose scrunches, he was seven and you were his new baby sister. He had just met you and was already in love with you as his parents smile at their children.

He knew he couldn't lift you up or he'd transform so he kinda sat their pouting as his dad laughs and walksmover picking you up. You had dads H/C hair and mums E/C eyes unlike him who had everything the other way around.

It was then that a small puff of smoke came from you and Hatori's eyes widen when he sees a small lizard in his hads arms.

"You should hold her Hatori" his mum smiles "that way she won't transform"

Hatori laughs as he holds you close smiling like a kid on Christmas. He loved you. And he would save you.

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