Season 1 episode 9

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Jacquie:I want my spot on A-troupe back

Emily:All our spots on A-troupe are full

Jaquie(talking heads):I can't believe they could just replace me

Jaquie:in probably way better then anyone of these replacements

*cleo gets angry and walks forward to her*

Cleo:your not better then any of us

Jaquie:yeah I am

Cleo:I could beat you anyday

Jacquie:ok then

Cleo:what do you mean

Jacquie:if you think you can beat me.Let's have a dance battle and the winner gets to stay on A-troupe

Cleo:this isn't fair

Cleo(talking heads):I deserve my spot on A-troupe and I'm not giving it away

Emily:jacquie can I speak to you in my office


*emily,michelle and jacquie go to her office*

Emily:Jacquie you can't just come here and expect a spot on the team

Jacquie:just give me a chance

Jacquie(talking heads):I know I'm being selfish right now but I love A-troupe and I know if I'm not selfish they would just say no

Michelle:we can't let you on the team because everyone fairly auditioned and deserved there spot on the team

Jacquie:you know I'm good and you also know that if I'm on the team we have a better shot at winning nationals

Emily(talking heads):as much as I don't want to admit it jacquie is right

Emily:jacquie can you leave the room as me and Michelle discuss this

*jacquie leaves the room*

Michelle:we can't just kick someone off.That wouldn't be fair

Emily:what she said was right though.We would definitely have more of a chance of winning if she was on the team

Michelle:this studio has never been about winning though.It's about being a team and if we let jacquie on we would have to kick someone off

Emily:as much as I would like to be nice to everyone.This industry is really harsh and I think we need to be selfish.we need to win and jacquie will let us do that

Michelle:but the whole team is talented

Emily:jacquie just completes the team.firstly she pushes Richelle to be her best.secondly she makes Noah's dances have more of a story and have more emotion and thirdly everyone trusts her

Michelle:I think I know what we should do


*in studio 1*

Noah:jacquie what are you doing here

Jacquie:I can also ask you the same question

Noah(talking heads):she has a good point but I want to know why she left the studio in the first place.She loved it here

Noah:why did you leave

Jacquie:it's because I love you

Noah:wait what?

Jacquie:I love you Noah.I made a big mistake letting you leave.I went looking for you.Then I heard you came back to the studio and I knew I had to get you back

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