Season 1 episode 5

642 13 10

Noah:so what do you need help with ozzy

Ozzy:I have a plan to make Richelle emote and I need your help

Noah(talking heads):I find it amazing that ozzy has come up with this idea.It shows how much he cares about Richelle

Ozzy:it's going to take a bit of time but I know we can do it.Do you think you can help

Ozzy(talking heads):I really hope Noah will be able to help because my plan won't work without him

Noah:yeah I can help


Noah:so what's the plan


Emily(talking heads):after the two people who are going on tour leave we will need someone to replace them so we are going to hold auditions for four new A-troupe members

Michelle(talking heads):There are going to be two new a-troupe members and two alternates

Emily:everyone welcome to the A-troupe auditions

Michelle:we will be picking four of you to be in our team so good luck

Winnie(talking heads):I'm so excited for the auditions.If I make it into A-troupe I will get to spend more time with Ozzy and be one step closer to get him to be my boyfriend

Emily:the first round is solos

(Pretend the talking heads are in between the dances)

Marcus(talking heads):I'm giving it my all right now and I really hope it is enough to get on the team

Presley(talking heads):I'm the best dancer here of course I'm going to make the team and if they don't pick me then it's there loss

Winnie(talking heads):I really hope I can get on the same team as ozzy so I can be closer too him

Maya(talking heads):I'm confident in my routine and I did my best.I feel like I have a really good shot of making the team

Ethan(talking heads):I'm sure I will make the team.Im obviously the best dancer here

Cleo(talking heads):my old team didn't make it into nationals so I am auditioning here because I will do anything to get to go to nationals

Izzy(talking heads):Ozzy made me come here to take the spot from heath but I'm glad I came because I am having a lot of fun and I really hope I can make it into A-troupe

Heath(talking heads):I'm pulling out all my tricks that I know ozzy can't do so I know I will make it on to A-troupe and take Izzy's spot

Jude(talking heads):I was really nervous that I was going to forget my solo but it is going really well


Noah:so what's the plan

Ozzy:I'm going to recreate all of Richelle's years at the next step

Noah:how is that going to help

Noah(talking heads):I'm glad ozzy wants to help Richelle but I don't know how this is going to help but I trust ozzy so I'm not worried

Ozzy:if Richelle sees the reason she danced in the first place then she won't worry about being the best all the time

Noah:but how will that help with her emotions

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