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When Evelyn returned to Hogwarts, there were two things on her mind, her parents, and Tom Riddle. Knowing that her folder was unlikely to get up and leave her trunk, she decided to tackle Tom first.

With a newfound sense of confidence, Evelyn strode up to him. "It was you," she shouted accusingly.

"Well, hello to you too," he looked her up and down. As soon as Tom realised what Evelyn meant, he lifted his hand, causing his group of followers to disband. "What was me,Evelyn?"

"You used legilimency on me!"

"I wouldn't know what such thing was, although it sounds like magic you wouldn't want to go getting involved with, it sounds rather dangerous to me." He looked up at the teachers passing by with his usual golden boy smile.

Evelyn huffed, "do not lie to me! I am tired of being lied to!" She hadn't wanted to, but she could feel the tears beginning to form in her eyes, threatening to spill down her cheeks, "I am not a child, I don't need to be lied to."

"I am well aware you are not a child. But I do truly have no idea what you are accusing me of, and what evidence do you have for such claim?" He was right, she couldn't prove it, she would never be able to.

"Just stay away from me!" She said through gritted teeth.

Tom smirked lightly, "I was under the impression it was you who had in fact approached me."

"You are unbelievable Tom, you really are." Evelyn stormed out of the courtyard with a sigh. "I am not a child," she muttered to herself.

Knowing she was not in the mood to be mocked, Evelyn made sure to avoid the corridors in which she knew Peeves would likely be lurking, instead taking the longer, yet more scenic, route back to the Ravenclaw Tower. Although Evelyn was not in the mood to interact with anyone, it brought her some peace to see the Grey Lady in the Tower.

"Evelyn, you seem troubled." She floated over towards the common room entrance.

"Just stressed about exams..." lying was getting far too easy and it wasn't something Evelyn was fond of.

"You know, you can talk to me..." Helena made her way closer to Evelyn, placing her transparent hand on Evelyn's shoulder as though she had forgotten she was a ghost, "it's not like I have anyone to talk to, you're the first student to speak to me properly in a decade."

Evelyn felt her heart sink, she had always spoken to the Grey Lady when she could, but she wasn't sure how much she could trust a ghost. "It's about a boy."

This piqued the Grey Lady's interest, causing her to zoom around the room before returning to the spot in front of Evelyn. "A boy? Tell me everything."

"I think he's lying to me, he said he didn't do something but I think he might have done it...." Evelyn wasn't sure how much it would be safe for her to share.

"Well do you trust him? Has he given you a reason to do so?"

Evelyn thought hard, he hadn't exactly, but he had given her some information that he knew she would research. It was only a matter of time before she found out about her parents and that would be thanks to him. She thought about the folder in her trunk, "I think he has."

"Excellent! Then trust him is what you shall do, you must update me on this boy, I hate being trapped here with nobody to talk to-"

Daniel burst into the common room, cutting her off, "Evelyn we need to start patrolling the corridors. It is our duty as Prefects, I should hope you haven't forgotten, I know it wouldn't please your parents."

Evelyn flinched. Her parents were her soft spot and he knew that. "I lost track of time, thank you Helena," she smiled at the Grey Lady before heading off with Daniel to begin patrol.

Masquerade¹ → Tom Riddle [Rewritten] ✓Where stories live. Discover now