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"So, how was it?" Sara asked the second Evelyn returned to their compartment.

"Very informative." Evelyn was glad that Headmaster Dippet had been able to straighten out the rules and explain them to the Prefects, it made sure they were all followed.

"Well, who else is a Prefect?" Lily questioned, leaning forwards, knocking her elbow on Midnight as she did. "Sorry, kitty." She whispered down to him.

"Daniel from our house." Sara wolf-whistled. "Really? You're going for him?"

"Well, he is one of the easier targets, but he doesn't lack the academic abilities I am looking for," she giggled lightly.

"You aren't exactly going to be reciting runes whilst you kiss Sara!"

"Just because you and Jack don't do that, it doesn't mean it isn't possible." She winked at Lily who's face flushed coral as she lifted her eyebrows. "So, who else?"

"Well obviously Tom Riddle, but for some reason, Dippet chose Astrea Black to be the other Prefect, I find it rather odd but there aren't really any better candidates in his house." Evelyn knew that Slytherin students were notoriously rule breakers in her year and it seemed that picking the second Prefect had just been done by choosing the lesser of several evils. "Those twins from Gryffindor, then Eliana and Adam from Hufflepuff."

"So, a rather boring bunch then!"

"I wouldn't consider myself boring!" Evelyn exclaimed in a jokey manner, hoping it covered the slight annoyance in her voice.

"Well, you aren't exactly the most spontaneous girl, are you Evelyn?"

"And that is fine," Lily butted in, plopping Midnight on Evelyn's lap. "We love you either way."

"Oh of course!" Sara chimed.

"Well, maybe I'll get more spontaneous this year, you never know!"

Sara and Lily both giggled. "Oh, we know. I doubt that will happen."

Evelyn sighed deeply. "Well, I'm going to finishing reading Hogwarts: A History so you two keep it down."

"Ah." Sara muttered. "Definitely not boring."

Evelyn thoroughly enjoyed reading Hogwarts: A History, it was one of the things that brought her comfort. She knew almost everything there was to know about the castle and its creation and every time she read the book, she truly felt as though she learned something new. She thought it helped to keep her immersed in life at Hogwarts, particularly during the tedious summer holidays. She had started re-reading it for quite possibly the hundredth time only a few days ago and had been unable to finish it whilst at home so had packed it with her to take to Hogwarts.

By the time the Hogwarts Express pulled up to the station, it was pitch black. Although Evelyn had to admit the night sky looked beautiful, she would also much less willingly admit that the dark was not her most favourite thing.

"Right, I am starving!" Sara announced as she jumped off the train behind Lily and Evelyn and followed them onto the carriages. As soon as Sara's foot let the ground the carriage zoomed off towards the castle. "Thank goodness for that, the sorting ceremony had better be incredibly short this year or I may be forced to consume one of the meagre first years!"

"I hope they have that strange meat pie they had the last term; I could devour the whole thing if they do!" Evelyn's mouth began to water at the thought of the buttery pastry crumbling in her mouth.

"No more food talk or I might simply pass out with hunger!"

"You ate on the train up here!" Exclaimed Lily with an eye roll.

Masquerade¹ → Tom Riddle [Rewritten] ✓Where stories live. Discover now