The Sleepover to End All Sleepovers

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Tomorrow morning was when we would hear about the music box. In the meantime, Marcy invited us to stay at the castle for a sleepover. Lady Olivia took us to Marcy's room. "Good evening, Master Marcy." She greeted. "Anne Boonchuy, Rowena Warbler, and the Plantars have arrived for your..." "SLEEPOVER!" We cheered. "Sleepover." She sighed as she left. "If anyone needs me, I'll be in the kitchen drinking, juice." Anne and I hugged Marcy. "This is gonna be..." Anne said. "Awesome!" Marcy squealed. "It's the perfect way to spend the night before we hear from the king." Sprig explains. "Yeah, I wonder what he found about the music box." I said. "I don't wanna give anything away, but it's gonna be pretty cool." Marcy explains. "Okay, kids, I'll be back in the morning for our meeting with the king, you enjoy yourselves." Hop Pop said. "I'm off to spend a little much needed me time, and by me time I mean a full body..." "Later, Hop Pop!" Sprig and Polly slammed the door. "Woohoo!" Polly exclaimed. "Me and Sprig's first sleepover!" "Better make it a good one, these will be formative memories." Sprig added. "Whoa, I just realized, we never did a sleepover without Sasha." Anne commented. "Oh, you're right." Marcy replied. "Do you think we can pull it off?" I asked. "Sasha's always been the sleepover queen, not us." "Who says there has to be just one queen?" Anne asked. "Everyone, that's kinda how the whole system works, Anne." Marcy replied. "Rowena, Marcy, we've done tons of sleepovers, we know everything about them." Anne explains as we started to chant. "Pajamas, junk food, and gossip galore, pillow fights, movies, and tearing up the dance floor, and listen up, because this I won't repeat, never ever go to sleep!" "Sensing some missing context here." Sprig said, confused. "Oh, sorry, Sasha always said falling asleep means total failure, a true sleepover goes till sunrise." Marcy explains. "Enough set up, let's get our sleepover on, baby!" I exclaimed as everyone else cheered.

We began a sleepover montage around the castle, although, most of the montage was spent messing with Lady Olivia. But, she had enough of our shenanigans. "Oh, for Frog's sake!" She exclaimed. "While I'm glad you kids are having fun, let me remind you that some of the castle rooms are off limits, namely the basement, which is..." Anne then sprayed her with some silly string. "Montage is back on, baby!" Anne shouted.

After finishing the montage, we were worn out on Marcy's bedroom floor. "That was awesome." Polly said. "Best sleepover ever." Sprig yawned. "See, told ya we could pull off an awesome sleepover without Sasha." Anne said. "What time is it anyway, 5am, 6am?" Marcy checked the time on her phone, which is still confusing me. "Only 9pm?!" Marcy exclaims. "What?!" I shouted. "That early?" Polly asked. "But I'm so tired." "No stay awake!" Anne screamed. "I think it's time." Marcy said. "Really, are you sure they're ready?" I asked. "Is anyone really ready, Rowena?" Marcy asked. "Ready for what?" Sprig and Polly asked. "The Scare Dare Challenge!" Anne, Marcy, and I responded. "The rules, one of us comes up with a scary dare and we all have to do it." Marcy explains. "But, whoever bails first gets their name added to, The Book of Losers!" Anne continued as Sprig and Polly gasped. "Yeah, and once your name is in The Book of Losers, it'll be there, FOREVER!" I added. "Well I'm sold!" Polly exclaimed. "Let's do this!" Sprig cheered. "Okay, now all we need is a scary dare." Marcy said. We all tried to think of a dare, but we had no luck. "Yeah, I got nada." Sprig said. "Huh, I don't remember it being this difficult." Anne shared. "That's because Sasha always came up with the best scare dares." Marcy explains. "Well, what do we got to work with here?" I wondered, looking around the bedroom for something scary, when I stumbled upon a map of the castle's interior. "Oh, what about the basement? Ow, paper cut." "Rowboat, that place is probably off limits for a reason, this may not be a smart idea." Marcy commented as I look back at the blood on my finger from the paper cut. "C'mon, Marce, it's what Sasha would do?" Anne begged. "Well, that is true, I hereby accept the Scare Dare Challenge!" Marcy shouted. "We also accept the Scare Dare Challenge!" Anne, Sprig, and Polly exclaimed. "It is done, this Scare Dare Challenge is now official!" I announced.

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