Changing our Forever 24

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I groaned and stretched as I slowly awakened. I felt around with my arm, my eyes still closed, but my hand didn't come in contact with anything cold or hard. I slowly peeled up my eyelids, expecting to see Edward sitting in the rocking chair, smirking at how silly I looked reaching around blindly for him. The chair was empty, and so was the rest of my room. I then quickly checked my bedside table, where my Edward frequently left me notes. Sure enough, there was a piece of paper there.

I reached over and grabbed it, reading it in the comfort of my bed.

My Dear Bella,

I'm sorry I could not be there when you awoke, my darling, but you are a bit of a sleepyhead today. You'll see Esme and Alice shortly, after they talk with Charlie. Now, remember love, no tantrums. You don't want to hurt Esme's feelings do you? Or make Charlie look bad in front of my family? So just smile and be gracious and trust everything to work out in the end.


Your Edward

My Edward, what a sweet way to end the letter. Now what exactly did he want me to not throw a tantrum about? Hmmm, it clearly involved both Esme and Alice double teaming Charlie and pouring on the charm together. That couldn't be good. They could probably sweet talk Charlie into turning over his gun, locking himself in the holding cell, and giving them the keys. Not good at all. Not that they'd do that, of course. But what were they going to do?

As a matter of fact, I could hear two tinkling voices floating up the stairs right now. I recognized those voices. Then I heard the lower pitched, harder one. Charlie. Great. Esme and Alice were already with Charlie, spinning who knows what kind of story. Hadn't they told Charlie enough lies yet? The poor man must be practically swimming in all the bullshit around here. I was pretty sure Charlie wasn't anywhere near as oblivious as he pretended to be. He was a good cop after all. I figured it was all about choosing your battles. He didn't want to fight about me spending the night with Edward, so he pretended to believe me when I said I was sleeping in Alice's room. That way when he really needed or wanted to put his foot down, I was more likely to respect his authority. That was my theory anyway. Or maybe he was just passing the responsibility on to Carlisle and Esme, expecting them to enforce proper behavior. If anything happened, he could then blame them since it happened on their watch. He had no idea that they were so eager to have Edward happy and settled that they were practically pushing me into his bed. Well, Alice was anyway. After all, she was the one who ordered the bed in the first place.

I'd better drag myself out of bed and hurry downstairs to do some damage control. With my luck, Alice is getting him to agree to a fortnight long shopping trip around Europe this summer. I shuddered at the idea of letting Alice loose in Paris with an unlimited credit card. Not to mention the number of outfits she'd force me to try. They'd have to rent a plane just to carry all her shopping bags back to the States. Then Esme would need to build an extension onto the house, just for Alice's closet.

I hopped out of bed, nearly falling into my nightstand, but catching myself just in time. "Ha!" I thought. "Take that, clumsy klutz gene."

I had taken my shower last night before bed, so I just threw on some fresh clothes after a quick trip to the bathroom to relieve myself, wash my face and hands, and to brush my teeth. I stumbled downstairs barefoot, in a hurry to find out what whoppers were slipping through Alice's not so innocent lips. Unfortunately, my klutz gene kicked in just as it usually does when I'm in a hurry or distracted. My heel slipped on the second to last step, propelling me forward sooner than expected and off balance. Thankfully, the sweet pixie I had been maligning in my thoughts had foreseen this problem and had righted me before Charlie could even register my slip. Gotta love that girl.

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