Changing our forever 25

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"Okay, So, I've decided to throw a party!" Alice exclaimed, Jasper on her tail, sitting down at the lunch table with Bella, Emmett, Rosalie, Angela, Ben and myself. 

"Why?" Angela asked, eyeing Alice as if she'd gone insane , really, what was the need of having a party? Well, Bella and I have decided to bump the wedding up, It was really Alices idea, but Nor Bella or myself was about to object. I was ready to tie myself to her anyway possible. Having a party before graduation, and before we announced the date of our wedding seemed appropriate.

"Because, Silly!" Alice gushed "we are graduating in a month and a half, we have that much time left to enjoy highschool life!" 

"Yeah," Jasper agreed, turning to look at Bella and I."I mean, how many times do you get to graduate highschool?" I smiled slightly to myself and Bella slapped her hand against her mouth, trying to stiffle a laugh.

"A party.." Rose mumbled to herself, looking off into space, she refocused on Alice "Who's invited?" 

"Well.. I was thinking the whole school, excluding the people on our hit lists." she winked at Bella but Bella grimaced. 

"Alice, as much as I hate to say this, we can't invite everyone except them." Bella reasoned.

"Nonsense! they tried to steal our men!" Rose said angrily, clutching Emmetts arm.

Bella sighed and slumped back into my arms mumbling about how it was unfair and she wouldn't attend unless Alice and Rosalie changed their minds, They both went to protest but I stopped them with an abrupt cold glare, They slumped back into their seats with a 'hmmph' I wrapped my arms around Bellas waist pulling her closer to my chest, so that her head was nezzled in my neck. I felt like I was in heaven, just having Bella in my arms, the heat of her body radiating towards me, the feel of her blood pulsing beneath my very touch. I laid my face on the top of her head, breathing in her intoxicating scent when I seen a flash, I looked up to see Angela holding her camera, taking a picture of Bella and I.

Bella had noticed it to , she had lifted her head to stare at angela as well, I cocked my eyebrow. 

"Sorry" Angela murmered, blushing profusily. "Yearbook editor, remember? Needed a photo of the best couple in school for that section." she winked at us. 

My love pushed herself gently off the chair, only raising herself enough to kiss my cheek. She turned to grin at Angela as she snapped a picture of the quick kiss. I laughed slightly and pulled My sweet Bella closer. She looked up into my eyes and I got lost in her chocolaty brown gaze. 

"You're so beautiful." I murmered. She looked around nervously. What was wrong with her? had I said the wrong thing? I cocked my head to the side, Bella sniggered. 

"Everyones left for class." She said. My head snapped up to see that it was true, the cafeteria was almost vacant. I felt myself begin to pout and Bella giggled, kissing by bottom lip before standing up and taking my hand in hers. If only this girl knew the power she held over me. I don't think I'd survive... like I've said plenty of times before,Bella will be the death of me, and I mean it everytime.

"Let's go," She said her eyes twinkling in amusement. "before we get in trouble!" I let her lead me, as if she was overpowering me. 

We got to class after all the other students but before the teacher got in, the entire class stared at us like we just killed five people. I glared at everyone and they looked away, their hearts speeding up to that of a hummingbirds wing, and their faces a bright red. 

As usual Bella and I pushed our chairs closer before sitting down. Mr.Mason didn't mind, actually, he'd quit checking on us wondering if we were doing something innapropriate, because each time he wouldn't catch us, little does he know that each time-we were doing something innapropriate. 

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