C36: Who's Outside?

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[After a week]

For the passed few days I'm still suffering from my nightmares

Each day, each member and the happenings are getting worse and worse. I couldn't eat nor sleep thinking that it might happen one day, thinking that my nightmares will come true

I can't sleep as I don't want, I knew that if I sleep I'll only have this stupid nightmares. For this passed few days, I haven't even left my room

It's 4 in the afternoon now. Namjoon came to my room earlier saying that they have to go to their studio and that I don't need to go

They will only take 2 hours or more before they come back home, they'll be leaving in 10 mins

Also for this passed few days, Yoongi..we haven't talk to each other yet. He didn't even bother to apologize on what he called me

I sighed as I decided to go downstairs since I'm extremely worried right now, what if they couldn't get back home and that my nightmare starts to come true??

I hurriedly went downstairs only to see them except Jimin, ready to go

I think they are waiting for Jimin...as always

I approached Namjoon

Namjoon:Y/n you okay? Do you need anything?

I shook my head before asking him.

Y/n:Are you sure you don't want me to go? We didn't know if it's saf--


He paused as he placed his hands on my shoulder

Namjoon:We'll be fine, Pd Nim hyung sent guards to pick us up. Plus, you need some more time to rest. If possible, don't think of anything that'll just stress you out. Oh and uh Min Han,

He looked at Min Han before continuing

Namjoon:He will stay here with you

Y/n:No you need him more than me take him with you. You guys said that he's also your best guard, you need him

Jimin:Y/n-ssi we're not leaving you here alone. We didn't know, what if something unexpected happens here? To you?

He said while approaching me and the boys as I sighed

Y/n:It's okay, I'll lock all the doors, stay at my room and wait until you guys came back


I interrupted him

Y/n:I'll call you if there's something wrong. Okay?


Y/n:I promise I'll be okay here alone, you guys are the one who needs more protection

I gave them a reassuring smile as they didn't had a choice but just sigh and nod

Y/n:Don't worry about me, and promise me you all will return here safe, sound and clear

I stated eyeing them one by one. Tae stood up and walk to me before hugging me

Tae:Don't open the door if it's not us okay?

I just hummed in reply before gently pulling away as they have to go. They hugged me one by one--well except for Yoongi

But, as he was passing through me he stopped as he was on my side, as he purposely brushed his arm onto mine and said something without facing and looking at me

Yoongi:Be careful..

And with that he left and join the others. A small smile plastered on me face knowing that he still cares about me

After they left I locked all the doors and went straight to my room also locking the door after I got inside


I woke up and realized I fell asleep while reading on my phone. Well atleast I fell asleep and didn't had a nightmare

I sat up before grabbing my phone from my nightstand and opened it to see what time is it

5:58 pm..

I've been sleeping for almost 2 hours. I stretched a bit before getting up from my bed, I decided to went downstairs to see if the boys have arrived from their studio already

I left my room and closed the door before going downstairs with my phone. As I reach the living room they're not there. I went back upstairs and check their rooms one by one but there's no one. They're still not here. But it's already 6 in the evening and it's also getting much dark outside

As I began to worry about them, I also started to get panicked, walking back and forth while thinking why they're still not home yet but I calmed myself and shook off all the negative thoughts in my mind

I decided to call them. Some of them didn't picked up and I started to get worried until Taehyung answered his phone that made me sighed in relief

I felt thirsty so I went to the kitchen waiting for him to speak up

[On the Phone]

Taehyung:Oh yeoboseyo Y/n? Why did you call? Did something happened? Are you okay?

He asked worriedly

Y/n:Uhm I'm okay, how about you guys? BTW why are you guys still not home? I'm getting worried..

Taehyung:Oh mian, we took too long but we're now entering the van, going back home. Don't worry we're fine.

Y/n:Oh okay just..still be careful on your way home

Taehyung:Ne~ Annyeong Y/n-iee~

I heard Jimin and the others shouted (except Yoongi)

"Annyeong Y/n!"


I giggled but stopped when I heard the doorbell rang. I went in the living room still holding a glass of water and my phone, I saw that there's a shadow outside the front door, I can't see who it was but I know it's a guy and thought that it was Tae or either one of the members

Taehyung:Y/n? What happened?

Y/n:Tae you guys are here already? Wait up I'll open the door for you

Taehyung:Y/n what are you saying?

He asked, I was about to unlock the door when I heard him continued

Taehyung:Y/n we're still on our way home. Here heard it for yourself..

He said before I think putting his phone in speaker before I heard different sounds of cars

I froze at my spot not knowing what to do nor to say

Taehyung:So what do you mean we've arrived?

If none of them are here..

So who's outside?

Y/n:If you haven't arrived yet, then who's outs--

I got interrupted by loud bangs from the outside of the door that made me yelled and drop my phone and the glass I was holding, breaking into pieces

Jungkook:Y/n what's happening in there?!

He asked in extremely worried tone. I assumed he snatched Taehyung's phone. I grabbed my phone before answering as I started to tear up and trembled in fear

Loud bangs didn't stopped, instead it got louder and louder

"P-please hurry!!"


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