Chapter 3 - Assandra - The Female Scorpio

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Kathyrn had no problems finding Assandra, being the leader of the female zodiacs, she had only to focus on them to know where they were at all times. However, it wasn't a vision that led her to Assandra's whereabouts, it was the intense feeling of sexual provocation that led both her and Jared straight to the club Assandra was possessing.

"Clubs usually open late at night in this part of town," Kathyrn commented as they stood outside the door.

"Yes, they do," Jared replied, "which means Assandra has been here all night and day feeding off these people."

They entered the club and immediately became...enthralled. To say that Assandra was beautiful was a poor, misuse of the word to describe her, beautiful was for the Libra, the words sensual, provocative, tantalizing, suited Assandra. Assandra was the type of woman that oozed sensuality. One look at her and everyone wanted her, not just the men, and who could blame them especially from the way she was dancing in the middle of the floor. Every movement dripped with pure, unadulterated sex as she twisted and turned her body in a hypnotic rhythm meant to attract her male suitors attention and drain them of their sexual energy.

Jared shook his head and blocked her energy, but Kathyrn stood there staring at the way her body moved. "How on earth can she work those curves like that," she said in a dreamy voice.

"Block it Kathyrn! You're supposed to be our leader, stop letting her affect you."

Kathyrn shook her head returning to her senses. "Easy for you to say, Jared, when you have the same powers. You're practically immune to her."

Jared turned his head looking somewhat embarrassed. "Not entirely," he mumbled.

Kathyrn stared at him and then looked down and wished she hadn't. The erection he had was massive and there was no way he could hide it unless he covered it with his hands.

"Oh come on, Jared, cover that thing up! She's practically a sister to you..."

"She is NOT my sister. I could never see her as such and if I did see her as my "sister" as you claim, then my "sister" would be tied up to a chair, gagged, and locked up in a dark basement for daring to do such a thing!"

Kathryn blinked. Were all Scorpios this psychotic? Seriously, the way he his mind worked could be rather disturbing at times.

"Besides, why hide who I am?" He placed a hand on his hip and stood there proudly. "I'm larger than any man in this room. Look at them, pathetic...what type of men are these with their small erections? It's a disgrace actually. You know why Assandra is so hungry? Cause she can't find a real man to satisfy her. She has to gather hundreds of them in one room and feed off of them instead of finding one to satisfy her craving."

"You are an arrogant pervert," Kathryn said.

"Don't deny it, you know you're impressed," Jared winked at her.

"Ugh!" Kathryn threw her hands in the air and began to walk through the crowd to reach Assandra.

The men were suddenly thrown back. Their bodies flew through the air as if a gigantic invisible hand swiped them away parting a clear path for her. Kathryn turned to Jared who walked over to stand beside her.

He looked vastly annoyed. "It wasn't me... "HE" beat me to it...but I'm not mad that he did. I would have been angry if one of these foul fucks had touched you."

Kathryn glanced at the ceiling. She felt him...Kenrick...forever watching her from his throne... Why did he always have to interfere?

With her path cleared, Assandra finally noticed her standing there and Kathryn could see the dark red smoke-like streams of sexual energy from the men she was continuing to drain flowing into her body. She stood there with a hand on her hip looking like a sex goddess from India. Her long black hair fell over one shoulder and down her back, so sleek and black it looked like black silk. She wore tight jeans that hugged her hips and a sequenced red top that exposed her stomach. Her skin was the color of golden brown, smooth and flawless. Dark eyes, instead of blue like her Scorpio partner, stared into Kathryn's as a smile played on her voluptuous red lips.

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