Redemption Commeth. **Updated**

439 7 0

First Word Count- 1666 words
Updated Word Count- 3153 words (15th Jan 22)

Looking at the building where for the first time in half a decade she was going to see her family, Novalee felt sick to the deepest depths of her stomach,  all she could think about was turning around, driving away and disappearing for another 5 years. As she started thinking about every possible situation she was about to walk into, a feeling of vulnerability and nervousness hit the woman and after training herself for so long to feel nothing, it was a feeling she hated and wanted rid of, she knew who was signed after spending the last few days researching the company and she couldn't help but wonder how many of her friends who had signed she would lose after they found out who she really was. As the feeling of dread and panic became too much to handle, Nova said out loud, her brain going at a hundred miles an hour, "this was a stupid idea, what was I thinking . If I leave now, I could be back at home with a tub of ice cream within a couple of hours and no one would know a thing", however before she could start up her truck, she jumped as she heard a knock on her car window. As she calmed her breathing down, the purple haired woman turned her head to the side and rolled her eyes at the two men grinning at her and she couldn't help but smile at 2 of her best friends face's grinning at her, friends she hadn't seen in about a year after she moved completely away from California to Florida full time. As Nova opened the car window, she smiled as Nick stated "Jeez Lee-Lee, you look incredible" ,"You doing Okay doll?" Matt then asked, looking at the expression on the woman's face, reading her like a book, as she shook her head, he added " You have nothing to be nervous or anxious about, we have made sure we found you a room that is the furthest away from them, I promise Lee, you are going to be nowhere near them. We do need to get you through testing though, health and safety and all that, you ready to jump out". Knowing that there was no escape now, Nova wiped her eyes and got out the truck and faced the woman who needed to do all the tests and gave her the wrist bands she needed before walking away to the entrance Nova was being snuck through to test her once more. Pulling the bags she needed from the trunk, Matt smiled and joked "jeez Lee, how much did you bring with you!!!"as he grabbed the bag "well, I didn't know what was happening did I! Prepared for anything rather then failing, that's my motto". As Nick helped with her bags also, she felt him take the suit bag holding her specially made cape that finished off her outfit and heard him ask "what the hell is in here Lee? It weighs a ton" "Grow a set B2 and don't break it"and they walked in. As they got passed the second door of testing, Nova heard Nick joke "so Miss 'come prepared', what have you got planned for this reveal?" "This and That, Spoilers my friend" "I hear he is using a new nickname tonight for this match... 'the prince of pro wrestling' " Matt added, unaware of the effect it would have until he turned around and saw a pale looking Nova looking like she had been punched in the stomach, "Lee?" "He.....please tell me you are joking Matt" she replied with a lump in her throat, trying her hardest not to cry "No...he told us earlier, why..whats wrong" Matt replied confused and concerned about the emotion on the woman's face "forget it, just get me where I need to be" "Nov.." "Please!"she said again, cutting off Nick. As The Young Bucks walked the woman to her room, Novalee's mind was on what she had just heard, she knew that her brother hated her, but she didn't know how or why he thought that using THAT nickname was a good idea, yes he was their Dad's protégée and the apple of the mans eye, but that nickname.... 'The Princess Of Pro Wrestling' had always ALWAYS been hers, it was the one name their father had given her when he came and watched one of her matches in person, she remembered that day like it was yesterday.


As I walk backstage after one of the most violent and bloody matches I had been in in my short career against one of the men who had quickly taken me under his wing, Matthew Justice, I was ready to get home, shower and sleep, safe in the knowledge that there was no way that either of my brothers would ever find out I had had another violent match against a man. Turning around the corner and pulling into my parents house hours later, at this point sore, cut and bruising all over , I pulled myself out of my car and made my way inside. Shutting the door and throwing my bag down, I suddenly hear from a dimly lit kitchen "Is that you Nova?" "Yes Daddy"  I painfully sigh, knowing that my shower was calling me"Can you come in here a minute please Moondust". Walking in limping, I saw the look on my mother and fathers face and instantly my mother went into what could only be described as a neurotic meltdown "Jesus Christ Novalee, why must you do matches like this, you are cut all over" "Its fine, it's nothing mom" "It is hardly nothing. Virgil, why can you not put a stop to this" "go on up Michelle, I will be there soon, I just need to speak to Nove" "well hopefully you talk some sense into her" "night mom, love you" "I love you too, even if you are a pain in my ass and enough to cause me to have a heart attack". As soon as my dad heard the door shut, I saw him look at me and  smile "what?" I reply groaning as I leant up to get a glass "I can't believe how good you are Noves, watching you in the ring, having a match like have no idea". Hearing my father begin to well up, I turn around slowly and reply "all I have ever wanted to do dad was make you proud."  Looking at his daughter, Virgil  saw the tears in her eyes and it killed him, wrapping her in his arms "Novalee, you have always made me proud ALWAYS!! You were born to be in that ring, to me, you are the princess of pro wrestling, and the fact you are doing this on your own makes me even prouder".

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