The Blue Faction

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Counter Guardian EMIYA is a man whose seen and done things most men wouldn't be able to comprehend or even accomplish in their surprisingly short life. He has been 'employed' by the world's deterrent force for eons upon eons, for the sole reason to save humanity from itself. So there's very little that can break this man's composed mask...

"What the- How did I? Where the fuck am I?!" shouted EMIYA to the empty pitch black void, his red mantle pieces and exotic features standing out from his surroundings. He subconsciously sleeked back his white hair to its unnatural position.

...Except now, being placed in an unfamiliar location, without any sign of landmarks or even life. Most would devolve in absolute panic but the Archer Class Servant didn't allow such worries to be entertained in his mind. Instinctively, he used all his sense at their most potent to survey the blackness surrounding him.

But he found nothing.

He wasn't trapped in some sort of bounded field, since he would have found the anchors of the spell, nor was it an illusion due to his red mantle pieces resisting any and all negative forms of magecraft. He crouched down, placing his hand on the nonexistent floor, only for his hand to push past it without much effort.

Before he let curiosity get the better of him, pushing more of his body past the invisible platform, a voice called out to him, instantly grabbing his attention since he somehow failed to notice it's presence beforehand.

"Now, now my dear Guardian, I wouldn't do that if I were you...unless you take a liking to falling for all eternity" said the ruth male voice, with a hearty chuckle added to the end, almost like it wanted the latter outcome to become reality. "Oh where are my manners? I should probably introduce myself. Kischur-

"Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg" quickly interrupted the bowman. "What do you want with me, Vampire?"

"My, my, your impatience is only matched by your rude tongue, Shirou Emiya" responded the voice, as an elderly man with a large stature faded into existence. Archer slightly flinched when he was addressed by his full name but he calmed himself, narrowing his brows to train every sense onto the Dead Apostle Ancestor.

The man used a simple black cain, but By the way he walked, it seemed like he just had it as a mere decoration. Zelretch wore an elegant black suit with a white design, accompanied by a short, black mantle that reached down to his hips, along white gloves and polished leather shoes.

The Wizard Marshall himself seemed elderly but he adored a youthful grin, that the Servant found irritable but didn't display it. Zelretch had a large bright sliver mane with a clear complexion and blood red eyes, that EMIYA was unsure whether or not he had since birth or attained when he rose to the ranks of the vampires.

The Wizard Marshall instantly noticed that he was being analysed but just gave a small smile of amusement to himself, as he waited for the Archer Servant to be done. "Why have you summoned me, Vampire? Surely you wouldn't have call me here for a quick talk to past the time."

"Oh heavens, no!" said the Magician, while summoning himself an antique, cubic throne from the darkness. "If I wanted that, I would have called upon more entertaining company than yourself my dear Counter Guardian."

EMIYA let out a defeated sigh, lowering his head into his palm before scraping it back up to greet the deceptively older man. "Then what's you're reason?"

The man's grin grew more wider, quickly raising the bowman's primal instincts to the incoming danger. Ignoring his uneasy feeling of the vampire, EMIYA moved closer to the throne and placed himself directly in front of his company. Zelretch only gave a small nod of acknowledgement to the Servant before explaining his actions.

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