The Calm Before The Storm

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A/N: Before you begin, I would apologise for being late on realising this chapter but I really don't have a schedule for this shit, so I won't ask forgiveness for being late. But I will say sorry for being a lazy piece of shit, and procrastinating on making this chapter.

Second thing, this Chapter doesn't really have any action, mostly plot and development. But I'm guessing some of you could have guess that by the name of the chapter, and possibly what kind of development by the picture.

Also, daily reminder that art doesn't belong to me, though I do edit it sometimes.


Another body to the pile.


Another body to the pile.

Death. Pile. Death. Pile. Death. Pile. Death. Pile. Death. Pile. Death. Pile. Death. Pile. Death. Pile. Death. Pile Death. Death. Pile. Death. Pile. Death. Pile. Death. Pile. Death. Pile. Death. Pile. Death. Pile. Death. Pile. Death. Pile Death. Death. Pile. Death. Pile. Death. Pile. Death. Pile. Death. Pile. Death. Pile. Death. Pile. Death. Pile. Death. Pile. Death. Death. Death. Death. Death. Death. Death. Death. Death.

They were all dying, without meaning, knowledge, or dignity. Their dusky maroon red eyes wide open to display their single understanding before the end.


They all just stared at him, from the pile, or from the tanks, it didn't matter. Their eyes questioning him...why you?

It was dark and damp, his ragged breath echoed back from the cave walls. His body felt heavy and exhausted, with his skin paling to nauseous levels.

Sieg had no idea what he was doing here, or how he even got inside this random cave. All the Homunculus knew was that he was scared, anxious, yet curious at his current situation.

He had his five senses, but still, Sieg couldn't move his body at all, all he could do was look around. Within the cave, illuminated by a teal light from an opening, a sword was buried into the ground.

His body moved closer to the blade. When Sieg was only a few feet away from the sword, the rustling sound of metal pulled his attention away from the blade and to the new figure beside him.

The new person stood there, a stoic expression adorning his face yet they blinked a few times in surprise, almost as if they also weren't expecting to appear inside this cave.

The man stood tall, in a black spandex suit that revealed his chiselled tanned chest and bare back underneath plates of steel armour that protected his limbs. His long silver hair with black tips flowed like a lion's main, and a giant scar-like-mark illuminated his bare chest.

Siegfried wasn't surprised in having to revisit an old memory when he closed his eyes to rest, it wasn't unusual for Servants to pass the time simulating sleep if they had nothing better to do. But what Siegfried hadn't expected was to see the Homunculus body that he had saved appear before him.

"Um...Are you real?" Asked the boy, his body calming down at the sight of Saber Servant.

"I...I guess I am." Responded the Dragon Slayer, unsure of what to say.

The two stood there in silence for a moment, neither really possessing the social skills necessary to expand their conversation, despite their strange situation.

"Saber of Black, right?" Questioned the boy with uncertainty and hesitation. The Saber gave a firm nod to respond and affirm his identity, as he saw no reason to lie to the boy.

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