The Great Holy Grail War Part: 1

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A/N: I'll make this quick, I know I'm late. I'm sorry and I'll address it better at the end of this Chapter.

But quick notification, from now on these Chapters will be much short as it actually be to update this story and not waste several months of your time waiting, again I'll address this at the end.

Hope you end.


The Archer of Blue, EMIYA, could never had considered the Red Faction had prepared a flying construct for the Greater Holy Grail War, especially considering that their team was put together in less than two weeks. However, the Counter Guardian put such trivialities on hold and focused on how 'his' team was coming out on top of this.

With the Red Faction attempting to steal the Greater Grail much sooner than he had anticipated, his plans were quickly crumbling apart with his goal for the Blue Faction to secure the Grail and maintain in possession of it until the other two Factions were eliminated, but no plan ever survives its first encounter on the battlefield.

So here he was, racing across a pest littered forest as fast as he could, pushing himself to maintain a speed that'll get him to Trifas before the remaining members of the Blue Faction could, as all his effort would have been for naught if he failed to set up this secondary bounded field for Jack the Ripper.

Of course the Assassin Class is blessed with the Presence Concealment perk, allowing them to be all but invisible to all detection methods. And Jack the Ripper had been located originally because they never considered that they could be marked by a skilled Caster such as Medea, but since then whenever they aren't in a bounded field they use that ability to avoid being detected.

However, using such a useful ability of course always comes with some drawbacks with an above average mana consumption being said drawback. Usually this wouldn't be an issue with a Master providing magical energy through the contract, but unfortunately that's another handicap EMIYA was also working with.

These bounded fields aren't really meant to hide the Assassin of Black as they're actually used as an area to recharge. Avoiding being detected while resting is certainly a luxury when facing a Caster, unfortunately the bounded fields still cost EMIYA his mana to maintain but that was a sacrifice he's willing to make, as the Chapel Killer held a higher priority than himself.

Of course, all of this would have been coming along much smoother if it wasn't for the previously mentioned 'pests'. They were humanoid in shape, but were constructed entirely out of dark coloured bones, with the skull replaced a large jaw like bone.

Dragontooth Warriors. That was the name of these familiars, draconian combat type fighters made with the sole purpose of ripping their target apart. They were sturdy, fast, and skilled with whatever weapon they were given, deadly foes but even with overwhelming numbers they still couldn't stack to compare to a Heroic Spirit, especially one born from the experience of countless battlefields like EMIYA.

The Servant of the Bow danced himself past an overhead swing from a dragon bone sword, cutting the familiar in half as he did. But was forced back as to quickly avoid three pole arms simultaneously, but quickly discarding of his twin blades and removed two of his obstacles, only for the third to meet his end to a freshly project black and white pair of blades.

EMIYA didn't even bother to look at the bodies as they fell to the floor, hearing as their bodies quickly turned to dust before they even had the chance. The Counter Guardian was about to make his leave but the noise of rustling bushes instantly notified him that he was surrounded.

As the first familiar from the new batch made themselves into the clearing, EMIYA merely expelled a sigh of resignation as he prepared for battle once more.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 13 ⏰

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